b'such as is already seen with organic and small farmers associations. Still, a stronger collaboration among partners along the value chain increases understanding of the origins of such differences, at least poten-tially increasing opportunities to rectify the challenges, and/or strengthens the lobbying efforts and other roles of seed associations.Opening up is also increasingly important with regards to the multitude of societal organisations. These may focus on specific or generic aspects of corporate social responsibility. The OECD guide-lines for Responsible Business Conduct are increasingly part of the company strategy. For ISF to link up with global organizations that focus on such goals seems appropriate. This will not always be easy, particularly where the business model of several such organisations requires extending conflicts rather than building bridges and bringing emotions into otherwise rational debates. It thus also requires the seed sector to bePanel discussion at the virtual congress in 2021.open to different ways of communication and the realisation that emotions are also part of reality.The roles of ISF have changed con- oritisation of the services. Prioritising ispolitical landscapes and societal needs, siderably over time. It is thus important toessential, but in associations with a diverseand to provide value-added services to its be open to further changes into the future.set of members, it is easier to add tasks thanmembers and society. The sector has an Continually adding tasks can either be donereplace tasks.important role to produce quality seed; it by further professionalising the staff of theThe future of ISF will depend on itswill, however, need a license from society to secretariat and by explicitly involving theability to adapt to changing seed sector andproduce seed the way we currently organise members in the collective tasks, or by pri- societal dynamics, leveraging technology,ourselves. Register now for edition 2024! Seed meets Technology is an event about innovative (seed) technology, varieties breeding and adding value to horticultural seed. Vertify organizes the tenth edition of the event in September 2024. Besides a trade fair, there are demonstration fields with new varieties. In addition, various lectures and symposiums are being organized. Interested in participation? Contact us now!10 24/25/26 September 2024years Zwaagdijk - The Netherlandswww.seedmeetstechnology.com info@seedmeetstechnology.comSEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 39'