b'INSIDERSTURF AND FORAGECultivating Connections at the 100th ISF CongressADGER BANKENVP Wholesale & ProcurementDLFIn the heart of Rotterdam, the Internationalengagement of the seed sector with globalwith a focus on different interests around Seed Federation (ISF) commemorates astakeholders, governments and NGOs, ISFthe value chain, is paramount.century of shaping the global seeds indus- strives to underscore the seed sectors roleFor a global seed company such as try. As the curtains rise on this years ISFin ensuring global food security, sustainableDLF, it is a priority to contribute to the World Seed Congress, its more than justcrop production and resilient food systems. ISF to keep an active and strong interna-a milestone celebration; its a testament toCentral to this endeavor is ensuringtional organization for the benefit of the the enduring vitality of seed commerce onaccess to seed and genetic resources andseed industry.the world stage. accelerating the delivery of innovation toAt the congress in Rotterdam, we have The seeds trade is inherently interna- enhance crop resilience and productivity. been actively involved in the work of the tional, with dealers and buyers spanningThe World Seed Congress serves asorganizing committee to prepare the events continents. While virtual tools like videoa pivotal platform to advocate for policiesand program from 27-29 May. Additionally, conferences and emails keep the wheelsthat foster a fair regulatory framework fora post-congress tour on 30 May with four turning, theres an undeniable power inthe industry and secure trade conditions thattours that offers a unique opportunity to face-to-face interactions for nurturingprovide level playing fields for the globalexplore cutting-edge facilities and gain enduring business ties. This is why the seedsmovement of seed and promote advance- insights into the latest advancements in the community convenes regularly, a traditionments in plant breeding and seed technology.seed industry. that spans a remarkable 100 years. For an international organization suchIn Rotterdam, amidst the bustling At the core of ISFs mission lies aas the ISF to truly serve as a cornerstone forenergy of the World Seed Congress, the commitment to promote the benefits ofthe seeds industry, active involvement andseeds of collaboration and innovation are quality seed as the foundation of sustain- participation from the member organiza- sown anew, propelling the industry towards able agriculture value chains. Through thetions in several boards and advisory groups,a future of sustainability and growth.Elevate your business withthe knowledge you need.Subscribe now for exclusive insights, breakthrough trends, and expert analysis delivered directly to your inbox. Join the Seed World Europe community today!seedworld.com/subscribe30ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'