b"There are many definitions of regen- Carmagnola says BASF is committed to erative agriculture around, but at Syngentahelping farmers through these challenges.we like to say regenerative agricultureLideas support is via seeds. We are blends sustainable innovation with tradi- developing a wide range of seeds for farm-tion, applying an adaptive farming approachers. We are a multi-crop seed company pro-supported by proven and science-basedmoting genetic diversity, says Montet. His practices, says Allerding.company offers dozens of different crops, As the name suggests, regenera- including corn, sunflower, sorghum, and tive agriculture focuses on the literalcereals, as well as legumes such as alfalfa, regeneration of the soil and of the plan- soybean, and chickpea, which are popu-ets ecosystems. Regenerative agriculturelar for extending crop rotations. We also improves soil, delivers high productivitypropose dozens of forage crops and service and high-quality food, and can help fightplants to provide soil cover, promote biodi-climate change and restore lost biodiversity.versity, and deliver a wide range of ecosys-We define it as an outcome-basedtem services, he adds.food production system that nurtures andMaria Stenull Van der Voort shares that Bejo Zaden's restores soil health and protects the climate,activities towards regenerative farming are water resources, and biodiversity whileat the moment part of both their sustain-enhancing farms productivity and profit- ability program as well as their organic ability, Allerding adds.tion can optimize inputs while maintainingprogram.Regenerative agriculture can enable astable yields and preserving biodiversity. At KWS, a major focus in their regen-sector transformation and support resilienterative agriculture efforts is on biologicals. food production. SWE: WHAT IS YOUR COMPANY DOINGOur company also develops so-called bio-For Hering, the concept of regenera- TO SUPPORT, FOSTER OR ENCOURAGElogicals as seed coatings, which consist of tive agriculture is a rather broad term that isREGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE?beneficial microorganisms such as bacte-not uniformly defined, and many differentIncotec focuses on delivering crop inputria, fungi, and other substances of natural methods and approaches can be summa- technologies that support healthier soilsorigin, like plant extracts, says Molthan. rized within it. With 11 of the 13 mostand lower chemical inputs. The use of seedSuch biologicals can act as biological crop important crops, our company has one oftreatment compared to, for example, foliarprotection, improve the fixation of nitro-the broadest portfolios in the industry,or in-furrow pesticide applications is a stepgen or solubilization of phosphorus, and Hering says. This enables a diverse andforward in sustainability because seed treat- promote the root development and germi-balanced crop rotation, which we see asment products allow very targeted crop pro- nation of the plants. The addition of those an important factor in a sustainable andtection delivery.supportive biologicals as seed treatments economically viable cultivation concept. InWe support our customers to allowmay reduce how much pesticide and min-addition to this, it is also important to makemore sustainable solutions to be optimallyeral fertilizer is required, may contribute to the individual crops and varieties fit forapplied to seeds, says Hoeltgebaum.crops higher tolerance of abiotic stresses, future requirements and to consider theirTheres still room for improvement.and may increase the biodiversity of the soil.overall life cycle.For example, the seed sector still needsAllerding says Syngenta, as a data-For BASF, the key component ofto address the issue of microplastics inscience-based company, is continuously regenerative farming practices is thatfilm coats. We have made a good startstrengthening its R&D engine to innovate natural resources used in agriculture arehere already, with bringing new film coatand orchestrate every process for speed, not only preserved but also restored, saysproducts on the market as we speak, saysprecision, and power. However, there is Carmagnola. An example of regenerativeHoeltgebaum. Our company aims to real- no one single prescription that will fit agriculture is achieving an active increase ofize globally a fully microplastic-free port- every operation, he adds. We are driven carbon content in soil to foster productivityfolio within the next few years. and focused on holistic innovation around and soil health. For arable crops, specificOur company fully recognizes thatregenerative agriculture cropping systems practices would include using cover crops,regenerative agriculture can improve long- [to] benefit farmers, consumers, and our maintaining plant residues, practicing mini- term farmer livelihoods through countlessplanet, he says. This includes improving mum or no-tillage, implementing long rota- aspects such as better soil health and moreseed germplasms performance, launching tions, and adding legumes. Other measuressoil organic carbon, preserving and increas- next-generation traits, introducing biolog-like agroforestry and using decision supporting biodiversity, and decreasing erosionical techniques such as seed treatments with systems can also optimize inputs, he adds.risk, says Carmagnola. All is achievedbiostimulants that enhance soil health, dis-These practices can maintain or evenby cutting GHG emissions, sequesteringcovering crop protection molecules, devel-restore soil and ecosystem health, sequestercarbon into the soil, and increasing theoping products that require lower amounts carbon in the soil, and increase farmlandresilience of field crop production systems.of inputs but bring equal levels of efficacy, resilience to the increasing effects of climateNevertheless, he also realizes that inand delivering digital solutions, technical change, says Carmagnola. Regenerativethe transition, farmers could face someadvice and training for growers. agriculture can improve farmer liveli- challenges in changing farm manage- Farmers are the greatest stewards of hood through better soil health, increasedment practices, tackling diseases, manag- our land and are already doing so much. carbon levels, biodiversity preservation,ing weeds, and responding to unexpectedTogether, we embrace every opportunity and decreased erosion risk. Integrated pestweather events that could undermineto engage in shared dialogue and learning, management (IPM) and effective crop rota- productivity and affect profitability.listening to understand farmers needs, but SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 23"