b'BY: OLIVIER SAUVAGEOTINCENTIVIZING THE DEVELOPMENT OF NEW PRODUCTS FOR EUROPEAN FARMERSF or decades, the plant breeding and seed sector has been invest- creation of new plant varieties. Plant breeders and the seed sector ing in agricultural innovation and new technologies, yieldingalso work on developing novel technologies and traits that can only numerous benefits for farmers and the environment. As webe protected by patent rights. With patent protection, an inventor navigate the challenges posed by climate change, it is evident thatcan safeguard the innovative technique or new trait component innovation in plant biotechnology will need to play a more pivotalcreated with technical tools for a limited time. Patents are and will role than ever. Therefore, it is crucial for Europe to maintain acontinue to be the only and best available vehicle to protect novel predictable, balanced, and effective intellectual property (IP) frame- technologies and traits.work to stimulate innovation in plant biotechnology.In my view, plant biotechnology should not be treated dif- ACCESS TO PATENTED MATERIALferently from any other field of technology. Like other sectors, itThe patentability of New Genomic Techniques is a contentious issue should benefit from the availability of patents, contributing to soci- that has sparked concerns among breeders and farmers. Some worry etal progress.that access to protected genetic material for breeding may become increasingly difficult and costly. This ongoing debate revolves around BENEFITS OF IP the need to strike a balance between ensuring affordable products By acquiring an IP right, the creators get an exclusive right overfor farmers and allowing innovators to recoup their investments.the use of their creation for a certain limited period. An interestingThe heated discussion surrounding the patentability of plant-re-aspect of IP protection and the associated knowledge sharing is itslated inventions is far from reaching a resolution. Despite a decade support for incremental innovation, which enables anyone to buildof political debate and legislative changes, the legal boundaries upon others ideas and advancements. in this area remain ambiguous, suggesting that the debate could IP provides incentives for investments in R&D and fosterspersist for many more years and posing challenges for all involved knowledge sharing. It also significantly contributes to the econ- stakeholders.omy with IP-intensive industries generating a substantial portionIn this context, there are two very pragmatic seed sector-led of economic activity and employment in the EU. Analyses haveplatforms that facilitate access to patented traits in commercial shown that IP-intensive industries generate 42 per cent of the totalbiological material, namely the International Licensing Platform economic activity in the EU and 38 per cent of all employment.Vegetable (ILP) and the Agricultural Crop Licensing Platform Moreover, the benefits extend to farmers, downstream processors(ACLP). These platforms ensure that patented material can be and consumers with studies showing that approximately 75 perused for further breeding and product development. Specifically, cent of the economic benefits of a patented agricultural innovativethrough these initiatives, any breeder can make use of patented technology go to these stakeholders. Additionally, patents serve astraits of platform members in their breeding programs. In addition, a critical vehicle for technology transfer.the Euroseeds PINTO Database enables transparency by providing It is therefore vital to challenge misconceptions that suggestinformation on what varieties contain patented elements.patents have a role in creating monopolies and to recognize that patent protection is also critical for SMEs and research organi- A WIN-WIN FOR EU AGRICULTUREzations to compete and bring new technologies to the market. AThe debate on intellectual property rights in plant biotechnology is competitive Europe is in the interest of the public and the Europeancrucial for shaping the future of agriculture in Europe. It is essential community, making it crucial to carefully consider the potentialto strike a balance that fosters innovation while ensuring access to consequences of any change in patent regulations on innovationinnovative technologies and materials. By doing so, Europe can and competitiveness. continue to lead the way in sustainable agriculture and biotechno-logical innovation. DIFFERENT TYPES OF IP FOR DIFFERENTAs I described above, the seed sector is actively involved in INVENTIONS promoting a fair and open IP landscape that ensures both protection To continue fostering innovation and maintain a competitive breed- and access to innovation. This work is part of the seed sectors larger ing sector, Europe requires both Plant Variety Protection (PVP)commitment to providing farmers with the innovative agricultural and patent rights. PVP is essential for protecting plant varieties,tools that they need for sustainable food production. ensuring that breeders can secure their innovative breeding efforts.While PVP is extremely suitable for new plant varieties, IdEditors Note: Olivier Sauvageot Sauvageot is Head IP Seeds & Biotech like to underline that innovation in plant breeding goes beyond theEAME at SyngentaSEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 41'