b'Four Quarters of ISF and OnwardsPART 2: 2000-2024 AND BEYOND. BY: NIELS LOUWAARSWHY IT MATTERS T his article is Part 2 of a two-part series. Part 1 looked at the start of the Federation The Internationalin 1924 and followed its developments Seed Federation (ISF)through three phases all the way to the turn of celebrates 100 years ofthe Millennium. The first phase (1924-1949) operation in 2024. Theregulated the sector; the second (1949-1974) rep-centennial anniversary isresented it in the emerging international organ-an excellent opportunityisations, and the third (1974-1999) was about to look at the future ofresponding to changes within the sector due to ISF. Looking at the pasttechnological developments. can sometimes help.In this article, Part 2 of the series, we look at So, lets have a lookISF from the moment that FIS and ASSINSEL at how the Fdrationmerged: considering its current role and even Internationale duglimpsing into the future. Commerce des Semences (FIS)/ISF evolved from itsFOURTH QUARTER 2000-2024: initial origins. The bookSUPPORTING ASSOCIATIONS AT THE that was published willGLOBAL LEVELbe available during theGlobalisation of association work is a key new 2024 ISF World Seeddevelopment from 1999 onwards. The number Congress. Here we lookof national associations expanded beyond those more specifically at theof the traditional industrialised countries, which evolution of the roles ofexpanded ISFs membership. ISF over time. This historyA second trend was the emergence ofPoster for ISF World Seed Congress in 2003.can very well be split intoregional seed associations. The Asia Pacific four almost equal phases.Association was formed in 1994 at the initiative These represent fourof FAO to support seed business developmentto give space to the changing membership; and its distinct, major 25-yearin the region. The European Seed Associationstaff expanded, as did its Congresses. The activi-eras in world history (now Euroseeds) was established in 2000, merg- ties developed during all four phases shape ISFs and within ISF.ing several organisations at the European Unioncurrent priorities: Trade Rules and Arbitration level, and soon expanding beyond those borders.(Phase 1), positioning the sector in global institu-The African Seed Trade Association was estab- tions (Phase 2), responding to evolving seed sector lished that same year; the seed association of thestructure (Phase 3) and continuing global expan-Americas emerged in 2005; and the Economicsion of national associations (Phase 4). Roles and Cooperation Seed Association formed in Centralfunctions of seed associations and the ISF can be Asia in 2009.summarised as follows:This trend indicates a rapid expansion of the-creating platforms for members to meet and geographical scope of the commercial seed com- discuss issues of joint interest and identify-panies themselves, in several cases building uponing joint positions where possible;the institutions created in the Green Revolution- demonstrating foresight by identifying or replacing them as a result of Structuralglobal developments that may affect the Adjustment policies of the global financial insti- sector and proactively acting on them;tutions. All this led to a wider diversity in ISF- a dvocating for and representing seed sector membership, and an additional role for the organ- members to international policy makers, ization in responding to questions and requestsand supporting members to coherently for support from the fledgling organizations. Theapproach their policy makers;increased membership also contributed to the-regulating trade through private rules and realisation of the importance of communicationarbitration; andwith the extended membership and towards the-communicating and providing members outside world.with communication tools in support of the sectors license to produce. THE CENTENNIAL: CURRENT STATUSNational seed associations may have roles in ISF has had to reinvent itself on several occasions.addition to the above, but not all may perform Its roles evolved in line withand influencingthese roles equally intensive. Some of these rolesthe global developments; its structure changedinclude:36ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'