b'20 Most Influential Women IN THE EUROPEAN SEED SECTOR IN 2023DOLORES BARRANCO FRANZISKA LSCHENBERGERMelon breeder at SakataWheat breeder in Probstdorf With a PhD in Chemical Sciences from the University of Almera,After completing her studies in plant production and genetics, Dolores Barranco has emerged as an inspiring figure in theFranziska Lschenberger has been employed in Probstdorf for European Union seed sector. Coming from the chemical sector,more than 32 years (nine years at Probstdorfer Saatzucht and she changed her professional life to dedicate it to genetic23 years at Saatzucht Donau). She has carried out her work in improvement of plant varieties. Her career at Sakata Seedwheat breeding with great dedication, enthusiasm, creativity Ibrica for almost 20 years, first as a breeding assistant andand vision. Her profession has been more than a job: it is a currently as a melon breeder, reflects her dedication to thetrue vocation. In addition to practical plant breeding, she has world of plant breeding and her constant commitment to over- prioritized research throughout her career. Lschenberger coming challenges. With empathy, professionalism and humility,played a major role in 13 national and international research Barranco leads a team of people dedicated to the constantprojects, of which she was responsible for the technical man-improvement of melon varieties, managing to perfect the flavouragement of the project in nine cases. The successes achieved while obtaining stronger and more resistant plants. Some ofin 29 years of wheat breeding are impressive and unparalleled: these varieties have become benchmarks of quality for the mainLschenberger was involved in the breeding of 120 winter wheat marketing companies of Piel de Sapo melon. Barrancos impactvarieties with a total of 286 registrations in 23 countries on three on the sector transcends professional boundaries, and she hascontinents. Lschenberger was responsible for 88 varieties (with become an inspiration for many in the European Union.226 registrations) from crossing to registration. Furthermore, at the beginning of her breeding activities, she also did important work in durum breeding and contributed to the breeding of 30 spring and winter durum varieties. GEMMA CLARKE HEDWICH TEUNISSENManaging Director at Cope Seeds & GrainManaging Director at CropXR Soon after completing her studies at the University of Sheffield,After completing her studies in Plant Breeding at Wageningen Gemma Clarke started working at Cope Seeds & Grain in 2008University and receiving a PhD for her research on Molecular and, since 2021, has served as that companys managing direc- Phytopathology at the University of Amsterdam, Hedwich tor. Cope Seeds & Grain strives to connect world-leading seedTeunissen worked for 18 years at Naktuinbouw as a senior breeders to farmers and sustainable markets. Clarke has playedscientist, where she was responsible for the research and devel-a key role in that effort, becoming an agricultural seed special- opment in the field of variety identification. She has developed ist providing cereal, pulse and grass seeds, and more. Clarkeand implemented state-of-the-art technology for this purpose. has helped to build Cope Seeds & Grain into the UKs largestTeunissen established the plant variety identification concept organic seed producer, championing low input varieties andcalled Variety Tracer to investigate suspected infringements on supporting regenerative farming practices. Clarke is confidentPBR and EDV questions. In addition, she has initiated numerous she can continue to grow the business in line with Cope Seedscollaborations with many different stakeholders, coordinated & Grains vision, ensuring farmers are getting the best varietiesseveral international research projects and actively promoted and advice for a new era in agriculture. As a business, werethe use of DNA technology as a supportive tool in the plant excited to be launching new varieties, new contracts, and newvariety testing systems. These efforts resulted in an advanced industry initiatives to help support British food and farming as weand diverse network which Teunissen applies in her new role transition to a new subsidy framework and prioritise the environ- as program director of CropXR, a research institute dedicated ment even more, she says. to developing more resilient crops through data-driven design. Teunissen is responsible for the daily executive management of the CropXR research institute and acts as the spider building the web to connect all partners and stakeholders in making crops more resilient, sustainable and climate adaptive. 14ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'