b'SVETLANA BALESEVIC TUBICSecretary General of the Seed Association of SerbiaVANESSA PRIGGE Svetlana Balesevic Tubics 28-year-long work and experience inPotato breeder and R&D Project Manager at Solana Groupthe seed business and research contributed to creating a suita- Vanessa Prigge studied Agricultural Sciences at the University ble environment for the Serbian, and by leading EESNET, also forof Hohenheim and did graduate research at CIMMYT-Mexico. the Southeast Europe seed sector. She has actively representedHer PhD in Plant Breeding and Applied Genetics with thesis Serbia at the European and international level and significantlyresearch on Implementation and Optimization of the Doubled improved the performance and visibility of the Seed AssociationHaploid Technology for Tropical Maize Breeding Programs of Serbia (SAS). She strengthened the collaboration between thebecame the foundation for CIMMYTs move into large-scale DH Serbian seed sector and Euroseeds, introducing the Euroseedsproduction within its Global Maize Program and secured her priority topics, and helping Euroseeds identify and address thethe Josef G. Knoll European Science Award in 2012. Prigge has needs of the SAS. As a researcher in the field of seed physi- been a potato breeder and R&D project manager at Solana ology, production, quality, and storage, she contributed to theGroup for 12 years. After successfully implementing a pre-breed-improvement and preservation of seed quality and viabilitying program, Prigge focused on potato breeding research. Her during production and processing, as well as the advancementpro-active nature and solid scientific background have secured of agricultural practices, introducing innovative cropping systemsthe R&D department several high profile national and European in seed production. Balesevic Tubic has published research find- research collaborations which paved the way for Solanas shift ings in international scientific journals, and her scientific paperstowards predictive breeding for variety development. Prigge are highly cited, enabling a broader use of her scientific resultscurrently chairs the section Potato of the European Association for application or further research, ensuring improvement in thefor Research on Plant Breeding (EUCARPIA) and has co-organ-seed production, processing and quality in Europe and beyond.ised the scientific conference 19th Joint Meeting of the EAPR Her life is research in seed, collaborating for seed, connectingSection Breeding & Varietal Assessment and EUCARPIA Section by seedher life is seed. Potatoes in Germany in 2018. SZONJA CSRG YOLANDA HUERTAIP & Legal Affairs Manager at the International SeedVice Secretary-General at UPOVFederation (ISF) In March 2023 Yolanda Huerta was the first woman to be Szonja Csrg graduated in law in Hungary and started herappointed Vice-Secretary General of UPOV since the organi-career in 2008 in the European Commissions Legal Service andzation was founded in 1961. During more than two decades at then in the DG Competition. After two years in public service,UPOV, Huerta has been instrumental in assisting and leading she joined Euroseeds as manager of intellectual property andUPOV members and candidate UPOV members in Europe and legal affairs and was later on promoted to director. She wasworldwide in implementing effective PVP-systems. She has been part of the Euroseeds family for almost 15 years. In that period,a true ambassador for the UPOV system, the promotion of PBR she was responsible for discussing and developing indus- protection and plant innovation. Through her authentic leader-try positions in the fields of intellectual property and accessship and wealth of experience, she engages with policy makers and benefit-sharing as well as access to genetic resources,and stakeholders on the benefits that the UPOV system has to free movement of goods and biodiversity, representing thosefarmers, breeders and the society at large. At a time where we positions in various fora within the European Institutions andface climatic changes, Huerta convincingly conveys the message international organizations (WIPO, UPOV, FAO, CBD, etc.).that innovation is an essential tool in addressing these chal-Csrg played an important role in many European discussionslenges and that farmers access to new plant varieties that are on patent protection for seed-related inventions and on the EUadapted to the environmental and climatical conditions where ABS Regulation, set up the PINTO database to improve transpar- the variety is used is key. Heurtas inclusive leadership style ency in patents and also contributed to the incorporation of theinspires her team to perform to the highest standards. ACLP recently. Csrg is currently working as IP & Legal Affairs Manager at the International Seed Federation (ISF). SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 17'