b'disputed that their customers were lookingtion and reporting obligations and from theat their disposal to face the few Goliaths. for less quality assurance; grass seed com- EUs official control Regulation; a VSCUThe contrary is true.panies pointed to the impossibility of apply- system that was to be scrapped completelyEurope has become a world leader in ing the rules for heterogeneous material toas a means to make a facilitated registra- plant breeding and seed products based on their species, and many others, consideredtion of varieties resulting from NGTs prac- a legal framework that assured the iden-the wide variety and range of derogationstically impossible; and the introduction oftity, performance, quality and health of to go way too far to maintain a fair marketa practical subsidy to be paid by breedingany seed product. Whether small or large, for all suppliers. companies for the free listing of alterna- all users of seed enjoyed the same level of All this criticism led to numerous con- tive PRM. All these ideas and conceptsconfidence in the accuracy of information crete proposals to improve the Commissionsaddressed very specific, highly active andand material supplied. The current leg-proposal during the debate in the Europeanwell-connected interest groups, but theyislation has been the successful enabler Parliament and with Member States. Evengenerally ignored the clearly expressedof a thriving seed sector and guardian of though this needed to be developed over aneeds and wishes of those supplying andfarmers access to the best possible seed. very short period given the end of the EPsusing more than 95% of the seed going intoThe European Parliaments approach puts term in April, many of the well-founded con- European soil. much of this success story at unnecessary cerns and concrete proposals to address andrisk by eliminating the necessary tools to mitigate them made it into concrete amend- VOTING FOR THE WRONGbalance appropriate differentiation of spe-ments that were proposed by different MEPs. CHANGE cific requirements with principal rules and BoththeleadingCommitteeforassurances for all. Correcting this mismatch WHERE IT STARTS TO GOAgricultureandnowtheEuropeanwill be the most important objective for WRONG (AGAIN) Parliaments plenary adopted many of thesebreeders and farmers in further discussions But next to these proposals for improve- changes to the Commissions proposal bywith Parliament and Member States in the ments, there were hundreds and hundredscomfortable majority. There is the genuinecoming months. of amendments that went in very differentbelief that freeing Europes seeds from all directions. And for very different reasons.those outdated and onerous rules and regu- Editors Note: Garlich von Essen is the These ranged from even broader derogationslations will benefit farmers, consumers andSecretary-General of Euroseeds. This is an up to complete exemptions from scope andbiodiversity. And that the many Davidsabbreviated version. For the full version, please official oversight; deletion of any informa- now have better and more effective weaponssee https://www.seedworld.com/europe/ SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 11'