b'FAD or FUTURE?A CLOSER LOOK AT REGENERATIVE AGRICULTURE AND ITS BENEFITS TO FARMERS.BY: MARCEL BRUINSWHY IT MATTERS I n this first part of a two-part series, we look at what regenerative agriculture is, Theres been a lot of buzz aboutwhat seed companies are doing towards regenerative agriculture in recentregenerative agriculture, and how they years, with multinational companiesmake sure their practices are a good fit with such as PepsiCo, Unilever,their intended region.General Mills and many others all pledging to work hard to establishSEED WORLD EUROPE (SWE): THERE IS regenerative agriculture practicesA LOT OF RECENT FOCUS ON REGEN-in their supply chains. To get anERATIVE AGRICULTURE. CAN YOU inside look at this phenomenon,EXPLAIN IN A NUTSHELL WHAT THAT Seed World Europe checked inREALLY MEANS AND WHAT SOME OF with a wide cross-section of seedTHE BENEFITS ARE THAT REGENERATIVE value chain experts: Guy Montet,AGRICULTURE CAN BRING SPECIFI-Forage & Cover Crops TechnicalCALLY FOR FARMERS?Development Manager at Lidea;According to Montet, regenerative agri-Bruno Hoeltgebaum, Businessculture is a production model that com-Director at Incotec; Jason Allerding,bines a variety of farming practices with Global Head, Sustainability, Health,the primary aim of restoring soil fertility. Safety and Risk Management atThese practices, which include simpli-Syngenta Seeds; Martin van derfied cultivation techniques, use of cover Voort, Sales & Marketing Directorcrops, extended crop rotations, preserva-at Bejo Zaden; Maria Stenull andtion of biodiversity, carbon sequestration Lorenzo Carmagnola, Global andand reduction or elimination of the use ofGuy MontetEuropean Sustainability Managers,plant protection products, are all aimed at respectively, at BASF; Valentinaimproving soil resilience and thus com-Manstretta, Horta EU researchbating climate change more effectively, projects Lead; Imke Hering, Leadhe says.Value Offer Development andAt Bejo Zaden, regenerative agricul-Markus Molthan, Portfolio Managerture is not a well-defined set of practices, Catch Crops at KWS.but more a general description of applied farming practices based on improving soil organic carbon and water quality. The bases of every farm system (soil fertility and water retention) will benefit from this approach. It also fits well in the EU approach to stimu-late circular agricultural systems. It is a first start on the path to a higher sustainability level, says Van der Voort.It is all about using inputs and practices in agriculture that will mini-mize the effect on the environment, says Hoeltgebaum. Ultimately, his company aims to be fully sustainable and fully bio-degradable. Projects we are working on are the use of renewable energy sources, eliminating residues from seed treatment or foliar application, and supporting technolo-gies on seeds that will require minimum use of synthetic fertilizer, use of biopesticides or as little fungicides, pesticides or herbicidesJason Allerdingas possible.22ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'