b'SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTUREBringing Less Use Input and Stable Yields TogetherPHILIPP KTHEProduct Manager for Seed Treatments & Virus Yellows Protect in BU SugarbeetKWSThe Future Only Works TogetherPLANT BREEDING TECHNOLOGY In light of increasing restrictions on the useothers, CONVISO SMART and CR+ 1terns in the spread of the viral disease and New Kid on the Block Revolutionizes GMO Testing of pesticides in agriculture, breeding vari-innovative plant traits with which KWSto incorporate these findings effectively into eties that are tolerant to disease and pestshas significantly advanced the cultivation ofbreeding work. The objective is to ultimately ROBERTO SPADADirector of MarketingStandard BioTools is becoming increasingly important. Plantsugarbeet in Europe in recent years.be able to offer farmers a variety selection breeding is a key factor in overcoming thisIn order to specifically develop effec- adapted to their location and precise advice challenge. While securing and increasingtive genetics against Virus Yellows, it ison varieties.yields have already been key components ofessential for KWS to carry out its ownKWS is also conducting large and plant breeding for many decades, resistancetest series with infected plants. For this,complex trials at five locations in Germany, breeding has now become an equally impor- KWS Phytopathology supports the entireFrance and the United Kingdom to find out tant focus. The objective is to permanentlybreeding process by producing more thanwhat benefits seed treatment can bring in reduce the use of pesticides. One exampleone million virus-infected aphids eachthe future. The aim here is to also better of this work by KWS plant breeders is theseasonthat is unique worldwide. Today,understand the interaction between differ-development of sugarbeet varieties that areaphids with all three Viruses Yellows andent factors. KWS is testing both chemical tolerant to Virus Yellows. additionally with all mixed forms areand biological (alternative) seed treatment The plant disease can lead to yieldavailable for research at various locationsagents and has already identified new sub-losses for sugarbeetan important link inin Europe (Germany, France and the UK).stances that help protect sugarbeet plants crop rotationof 30 to 50% on affectedThis research work involves infecting tens offrom aphid and Virus Yellows infestations. areas. It is triggered by three viruses, whichthousands of plants in the field during theMinimizing the use of resources and can occur individually or as mixed infec- summer and in the greenhouse during thehence also reducing the amount of pesticides tions. KWS has already been workingwinter as part of large-scale trials.are part of the KWS 2030 Sustainability proactively for many years, and with greatKWS established the worlds mostAmbition, in which the company sets dedication on sugarbeet varieties that areextensive Virus Yellows monitoring pro- measurable targets to deliver solutions for tolerant to Virus Yellows and also have thegram over the course of its research activ- sustainable agriculture. Developing varie-desired yield traits. In the medium term,ities. After all, understanding how theties that are tolerant to Virus Yellows and high-performance varieties will be availablevirus occurs is key to advancing toleranceenable farmers to continue to grow the cropthe longer-term goal of KWS is to com- breeding. Large-scale monitoring is usedeconomically contributes specifically to this bine Virus Yellows tolerance with, amongin particular to identify a system and pat- goal. 1: CR+sugarbeet that is tolerant to the leaf disease CersosporaCONVISOSMARTcultivation system that offers a sustainable and efficient way of controlling weeds. CORN, SORGHUM AND OILSEEDSCultivating Seed Corporate CultureBATRICE DUVERNEUILHead of Human ResourcesLideaThe continuous evolution of companiesDNA of the Lidea manager:grid for reading human behaviour. This leads to unavoidable structural and human Setting Context & Giving Meaning tool allows our employees to become aware changes. To support managers in these Strategy Thinking & Actingof their key behavioural and communica-transitional phases, management tools are Developing People tion mechanisms, as well as their driving often deployed to empower them in their Being Customer-Orientedforces, thereby improving their interper-role as team leader or expert.Driving Results sonal skills on an individual, collective and Lidea has experienced several trans- Integrated into Lideas culture, thecommercial level.formations in recent years: the merger ofindividual objectives defined during theAs part of its ongoing transformation, two companies that led to its creation, andannual interview are aligned with thisLidea is launching the second phase of its more recently, the launch of a new strategy.approach. Each objective is based on theLeadership Model. It supports its employ-To support these changes, Lidea introduced5 fundamental principles of the leader- ees in developing their change management a Leadership Model, at the beginning ofship model, ensuring that each employeesskills using tools such as the feedback meth-the company, a management and corporatedevelopment is aligned with the companysodology. This approach aims to strengthen culture tool designed to guide managers andstrategic vision. the companys cohesion and culture.employees in their day-to-day work. At Lidea, we firmly believe thatLike every one of our seeds, corpo-To date, almost 220 international man- leadership development is also based onrate and managerial culture is cultivated at agers have been trained in this Leadershipself-knowledge. One of the key elementsLidea!model, which is based on 5 complementaryof this training programme is the DISC and fundamental pillars that make up thepersonality assessment, which provides a SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 29'