b'ANNA FISYUNFinance leader, BU East Ukraine, Lidea Anna Fisyun began her career in 2008 as the ESU chief account-ant at Euralis Ukraine. Over time, she expanded her expertise to cover commercial and production accounting. One of her most notable achievements was overseeing the two acquisitions of 2000-hectare and 1500-hectare farms for Euralis Ukraine. She also played a crucial role in addressing corruption in Ukraines fiscal service during Yanukovichs presidency. In 2014-2017, FisyunANNE WILLIAMSwas instrumental in post-acquisition restructuring, which involvedHead of Protected Crops at Bayer Crop Science harmonising intercompany flows, standardising work conditions,With a lifelong career in crop production, Anne Williams has and implementing a vital ERP system. In 2020, Fisyun navigatedcontinuously lived the mission of feeding the worlds population the team through the challenges of remote work during the pan- using science, innovation and partnerships to bring affordable, demic, aiming to maintain smooth business processes. Amidstnutritious food to market. In her role as head of protected crops the uncertainties of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, sheat Bayer, Williams is a visionary in the future of protected vege-led strategic decisions such as developing an action plan to sus- table production. She excels at turning her visions into successful tain business processes and a transition to Electronic Documentoutcomes, working tirelessly to leverage global networks and Turnover to preserve business integrity. As a member of thecollaborating to explore new crop solutions. Her career accom-management team, Fisyuns most recent contributions includeplishments include the development, introduction and launch of contributing to crafting the Global Lidea strategy for 2030 andthe DeKalb hybrid oilseed rape portfolio across Europe; strategy designing financial strategies for growth and risk management.development of multi-stack ToBRFV-resistant germplasm solutions Leading a dedicated team of 40 professionals, Fisyuns com- for tomatoes; expansion of protected cropping into new geog-mitment and collaborative approach define her influence inraphies and crops; and a recent focus on hi-tech strawberry steering Lideas success in the seed sector.production. ANNE-MARIE TACH BIRTE BOELTHead of Field Production, Supply, and Professor in Seed Crops and Seed Technology at Aarhus Industrial Operations at MAS SeedsUniversity, Denmark Anne-Marie Tach has been working in the European seedBirte Boelts impact and contributions to plant science and agri-production sector for almost 30 years in various field productionculture in the seed sector are noteworthy. As the leader of one of and industrial functions. She has served as the head of field pro- Europes few dedicated seed production research teams, her pio-duction, supply, and industrial operations at MAS Seeds for theneering work encompasses all aspects of agronomy, significantly past four years. Managing a team of 230 across six countries,influencing agricultural practices for sustainability and enhancing her position is crucial for providing farmers with high-qualityseed yield and quality. As organizer of the DanSeed symposium seeds and ensuring timely deliveries. Additionally, Tach andsince 2007, which provides a platform for knowledge exchange, her team are currently involved in a massive decarbonizationshe actively fosters collaboration between the seed industry and project within the company. The goal is to be carbon neutral byacademia. Internationally recognized, Boelt plays a vital role in 2045. To achieve the goal, Tach and her team have launchedthe International Seed Testing Association, driving innovation on several actions including a program to produce seeds with lowthe Advanced Technology Committee and facilitating knowledge carbon by integrating agroecological field practices into MASexchange through local workshops. Additionally, she served as Seeds production network. Her team also successfully launchedthe president of the International Herbage Seed Group for eight a new supervision tool for the drying period last year to reduceyears. Her commitment to understanding plant-environment inter-and better optimize energy consumption in the industrial compo- actions has yielded innovative solutions for efficient cultivation, nent of production.making her a mentor to students and a guiding force for the next generation of seed scientists. With numerous publications and collaborations, particularly in the seed sector, Boelts expertise profoundly influences the sectors future. SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 13'