b"International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) for GR2ERequire all tomato and pepper transplants imported Golden Rice for direct use as food and feed, or for process- from countries where the virus exists to be officially ing (FFP). After rigorous biosafety assessment, DA-BPI hastested and certified free of the disease.found Golden Rice to be as safe as conventional rice. Require all tomato and pepper fruit imported from PhilRice Executive Director John de Leon welcomedMexico, Israel and the Netherlands to be inspected the positive regulatory decision. With this FFP approval,at the point of origin to ensure it is free of disease we bring forward a very accessible solution to our coun- symptoms.try's problem on Vitamin A deficiency that's affectingRequire Canada to inspect all tomato and pepper many of our pre-school children and pregnant women. fruit prior to export to the United States to ensure it IRRI Director-General Matthew Morrell says, IRRI isis free of disease symptoms. pleased to partner with PhilRice to develop this nutrition- AWB_Germination-July2019-outline.pdf 1 12/06/2019 9:49:12 AMsensitive agricultural solution to address hidden hunger. This is the core of IRRIs purpose: to tailor global solu-tions to local needs. The Philippines has long recognized the potential to harness biotechnology to help address food and nutrition security, environmental safety, as well as improve the livelihoods of farmers.In the Philippines, Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) affects 20.4% of children aged six months to five years. The beta-carotene of Golden Rice aims to provide 30-50% of the estimated average requirement (EAR) of Vitamin A for pregnant women and young children. CUNITED STATES MTHE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT of Agricultures Animal and YPlant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) is taking imme-CMdiate action to prevent the introduction of tomato brown rugose fruit virus into the United States and protect U.S. MYtomato and pepper production worth more than $2.3 bil-CYlion annually. CMYAPHIS has issued a Federal Order imposing restrictions Kon imports of tomato and pepper seed lots and transplants from all countries where the virus exists. Because Canada imports tomato and pepper fruit from Mexico that may be re-exported to this country, the USDA will also require Canada to inspect tomato and pepper fruit to ensure it is free of disease symptoms. Per the Federal Order, APHIS will: Require all tomato and pepper seed lots imported from countries where the virus exists to be officially tested and certified free of the disease.MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 61"