b'with ratings of resistant to moderately resist- New Tools, Old Rulesant. BW5044 expresses resistance to prevalent races ofBut as breeding technologies like gene editing enable stripe rust, leaf rust, stem rust, loose smut and commonbreeders to do new and exciting things with crop varie-bunt. Based on the data generated for BW5044, it wouldties, the industry needs regulatory clarification that right be a major benefit to farmers in Western Canadaespe- now is lacking. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency cially, in the high productivity areas of the prairies where(CFIA) is working on making improvements to its regula-FHB and rusts are a concernwhile satisfying end usetory programs for gene editing technology in plants, but requirements of the CWRS class, Cuthbert notes. there still havent been any results released or specific He pointed to the results of a University of Manitobaproposals made.study on CWRS wheat gluten strength presented at theWhile all of this talk and all of this discussion has PGDC meetings as proof that the market class systembeen going on, Canada has been falling further and works well to identify and classify lines based on the endfurther behind our trading partners and like-minded use quality traits that are of interest to customers. countries in terms of the regulatory clarity, Krista The study carried out by researchers Harry SapirsteinThomas, vice-president trade policyseed innovation and Paul Bullock looked at the relationship betweenwith the Canada Grains Council, said during her talk at genetics, environment and crop management on glutenthe plenary session. strength and found that these relationships are complex.Were headed into another growing season One takeaway from the study was that some CWRS varie- without the results of this work yet available to help ties display a capability to minimize environmental influ- encourage research and innovation in Canada and thats ence on gluten strength.unfortunate.About six years ago, the CWRS gluten strength targetsThe premarket regulatory requirements for novel were revised and harmonized across the agro-ecologicalplant products have posed a challenge for Canadian regions of the Prairies, notes Cuthbert. The researchplant breeders, with Thomas saying these regulations shows that Carberry and AAC Brandon as well as somecan double the cost of producing a new variety and add other older CWRS varieties, when considered at 27 sitean extra two years onto development before it hits the years, are not significantly different for gluten strength.market. A recent survey of plant breeders in Canada, If this study was to be continued with recently reg- done by Stuart Smyth at the University of Saskatchewan, istered varieties, I suspect we would see higher levelsfound about half of respondents have chosen not to of gluten strength and they would fall between Glennpursue a research project in the past if they thought it (upper acceptable) and Carberry (lowest acceptable) formight result in a novel trait.gluten strength, Cuthbert says.We need this guidance urgently. This guidance The registration system provides a tremendous oppor- needs to be updated based on everything weve learned tunity to support registration of wheat varieties as wellabout the safety of plant breeding in the last 20 years, as the end use classification, he adds. He notes thatand frankly it needs to take into account the practices AC Harvest was found to be significantly weaker thanthat plant breeders already do to ensure the varieties that Carberry in the study, supporting its removal from thetheyre bringing forward ear safe and fit for purpose, CWRS class. Thomas says.We do need to remain cognizant of where varietiesThere is work being done to clarify the regulations, are produced and the threats faced by producers as thesesaid Kenneth Ellens, plant biosecurity policy specialist can affect gluten strength negatively, but this shows ourwith CFIA. The department has been working on system works well when it comes to identifying wheatimproving guidance documents to help clarify which varieties that results in a good final end product. products are regarded as novel.When paired with the right agronomic practices, farm- We are working to clarify our regulatory triggers so ers have an edge in closing the yield gap and getting theproduct developers can have more confidence in their most from the wheat varieties they grow. Sheri Strydhorst,self determination of whether their product is considered agronomic research scientist with Alberta Agriculture andnovel or not. This is consistent with our goal of adding Forestry, notes that as breeders push the yield potential ofmore predictability to the Canadian regulatory path. new varieties, farmers need to intensify their agronomicEllens says. The lack of clarity is hindering Canadian practices to realize those potential yield gains. plant breeding, Thomas added.New CWRS wheat varieties, with intensive agronomicThe reason why we need gene editingCRISPRmanagement, can occasionally achieve field yields of is its a transformational tool, its a tool that touches on 100+ bushels per acre, but on average in Western Canadamany wider areas of public policy, meeting consumer farmers are not achieving that yield potential. While 100demand for higher healthier high-quality food, helping bushels per acre is not achievable on every field in everyfarmers adapt to climate change, to do more with less.year, more intensive agronomic management could beFor full info on the lines put forth at this years PGDC used in the right situations to allow growers to maximizemeetings visit pgdc.ca. the yield potential that breeders put into these varieties, she says.MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 35'