b'tein levels has been driven by our Canadian specific food grade soybean program, he says. We currently monitor and screen for protein as part of our research and develop- WHEN YOU PUSH THE BOUNDARIES, YOULL HAVE ment program in support of our efforts to develop leading varieties for the different soybean markets that we support,A HIGH PROTEIN ALLELE LINKED TIGHTLY ON THE including early maturing varieties in Western Canada.Fenggao Dong, North American varietal breeding leadCHROMOSOME WITH VERY LOW YIELD AND THE for Bayer, says the company attempts to balance protein,LINKAGE CANNOT BE EASILY BROKEN.yield, herbicide tolerance and disease resistance in its soybean program in order to maximize overall value for Istvan Rajcanfarmers and consumers. We are assessing market segments where protein contents need to be prioritized over yield and agronomic traits and adjusting breeding strategies accordingly to make sure our products meet protein requirements,in the development of commercial soybean varieties with says Dong. We are also exploring the data and analyticshigher protein levels and an improved nutritional bundle.capabilities in The Climate Corporation to determine ifAnother key goal of the project, she says, is to under-we could make science-based recommendations aroundstand the relationship between whole bean composition weather and agronomic practices to help growers improveand the nutrient density, or amino acid content, of meals. protein levels in harvested soybeans. Diers says U.S. and Canadian researchers, public and Nadia Krasheninnik, a research scientist for Cortevaprivate, have been talking about soybeans yield/protein Agriscience, says Corteva has been collaborating withnegative relationship for more than 30 yearsand its the United Soybean Board on the Upper Midwest Proteinincreasingly top of mind. Cross-border collaboration hap-Improvement Initiative for the last four years.pens in the form of a uniform testing program in which The objective of this project is to assess the overallbreeders best material is evaluated for yield and protein. viability of developing elite commercial soybean productsMeanwhile, each new variety shows incremental with an increase in seed protein while maintaining yieldimprovements. This past winter, Rajcans program alone and agronomic traits, says Krasheninnik. The goal is toregistered three new varieties: OAC Cooper, OAC Acclaim increase soybean value for the entire value chain, and to aidand OAC Bounty. MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 25'