b'KEY TO NEW VARIETIES LISTDISEASE RESISTANCEOTHERTRAITSWHEAT CEMajor Gene ID: Rlm 3+4 CHUCrop Heat Units CLClearfieldCNHR Canada Northern Hard RedCXMajor gene ID: Rlm3 and anHUHeat Units FHBFusarium Head Blight resistance CPRS Canada Prairie Red Spring unidentified major resistance gene IDCIron Deficiency Chlorosis GENRR2YGenuity Roundup Ready 2 YieldCWAD Canada Western Amber DurumCMajor gene ID: Rlm3PRRPhytophthora Root Rot GMGenetically Modified CWRS Canada Western Red SpringSSusceptible RIBRefuge in a Bag LLLiberty LinkMGMultiple major-gene resistance RM Relative Maturity RRRoundup ReadyMSModerately Susceptible SDS Sudden Death Syndrome RR2 Roundup Ready 2MRModerate Resistance SCNSoybean Cyst NematodeRR2XRoundup Ready 2 XtendRResistantTKWThousand Kernel Weight VT2P VT Double PROIR Intermediate ResistanceWCC/RCCGENVT2P DKC63-87 BrandWestern Canada Canola / Rapeseed Recommending CommitteeALFALFAVariety Name/ Use (Hay Winter Merit Tested in Company Contact Type or Grazing) Hardiness Canada (Y/N) HighlightsDLF PICKSEED Triumph HVXRR Hay Excellent Yes HarvXtra with Roundup Ready Technology800-661-GROW Replicated Private Trials 16-20% Less lignindlfpickseed.ca 14-18% Higher RFQ14-18% Higher NDFDOnly available in Eastern CanadaBARLEYVariety Name/ Disease/Pest Company Contact Type Maturity Yield Resistance HighlightsAlliance Seed AB Cattlelac +1 day to AC5% higher forageR Surface-borne smut &Semi-smoothed Awned barley with excellent 877-270-2890 Forage Metcalfe yield than ACLoose Smut forage yieldsallianceseed.com 6-Row Ranger MR to Scald, Spot BlotchGood Lodging Resistance& Spotted Net Blotch Ranked #1 for forage yield in 2 years of Co-op testing.Nutrien AgAltorado Equal to AC114% of ACI - FHB High yield potentialSolutions/ProvenFeed Metcalfe Metcalfe MR - Smut and rust Superior straw strengthSeed 2-Row High test weight403-603-6000ProvenSeed.caBROMEGRASSVariety Name/ Use (HayWinter Har- Merit Tested in Company Contact Type or Grazing) diness Canada (Y/N) HighlightsDLF PICKSEED Succession Hay Excellent Yes Interspecies cross of Smooth & Meadow Bromegrass800-661-GROW Hybrid Replicated Private Trials Excellent winterhardinessdlfpickseed.ca Very good forage qualityEarly spring growthGood seasonal growth patternCANOLAVariety Name/ Disease/Pest Company Contact Type Maturity Yield Resistance HighlightsBASF INVIGOR 1 day earlier than111.9% of theR for Blackleg A NEW 300 Series canola hybrid, InVigor L345PC, 877-371-2273 INVIGOR L345PC InVigor L252 checks (InVigor1st Generation Clubroothas demonstrated exceptionally high yield potential, agsolutions.ca LL 5440 & Pioneer Resistance with both high external WCC/RRC trial results AND 45H29) in theinternal InVigor trial results. Patented Pod Shatter 2017/2018 WCC/ Reduction technology. Suitable for all growing zones.RRC trials Liberty Link technology system. 111.4% of InVigor L233P (n=28, 2018)INVIGOR Half day later than108.6% ofR for Blackleg NEW 300 series InVigor L352C has shown higher INVIGOR L352C InVigor L252 the checks1st Generation Clubrootyields with a similar maturity to InVigor L252. This LL (InVigor 5440 &Resistance hybrid is ideal for growers whoprefer to swath their Pioneer 45H29)canola.in the 2017/ 2018Suitable for all growing zonesWCC/RRC trials LibertyLink technology system104% of InVigor L252 (n =28, 2018)MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 27'