b'CSTA / SEEDINNOVATION.CA / LOTS ON THE AGENDA AS SPRING APPROACHESSPRING FORWARD WITH THE CSTA!ALTHOUGH IT STILL feels like wintertry organizations that comprise it here in Ottawa, CSTA is looking for- (CSGA, CSTA, CSI, CSAAC, CPTA, ward to the spring with several excit- and CropLife Canada) have worked ing initiatives. We are ramping up ourwith an independent consultancy, Better Seed, Better Life campaign,StrategyCorp, to develop a target progressing towards a new nationaloperating model for the NSO. seed organization and starting theThis an exciting time in our planning for another great annualindustry, with the CSTA member vote meeting.anticipated to happen this July. The Seed Synergy Collaboration Project Better Seed, Better LifeShare thehas been underway for several years Liz Lumsden, CSTAMessage! and a historic change is in sight as CommunicationsIn our industry, we understandwe seek to create the seed system of and Memberthat there is a lack of public aware- the future. Services Manager ness about seed. The Better Seed,Throughout the process, we Better Life program is about align- havent lost sight of our vision, ing the industry to tell the story ofwhich is a reformed, industry-led, seed and its impact on our qualityTHROUGHOUTgovernment-enabled seed system of life. Better Seed, Better Life wasthat effectively attracts investment, started by the American Seed TradeTHE PROCESS,fosters innovation and delivers new Association (ASTA). They gatheredand tailored seed traits to custom-insights from their membership andWE HAVENTers efficiently, to create value for our conducted market research to estab- members.lish messages about the benefits ofLOST SIGHT OF Growing Together in Winnipegseed improvement and the evolutionOUR VISION. Its not too early to start thinking of plant breeding. CSTA has tailored their informa- about CSTAs annual meeting in July. tion for our audience here in CanadaCSTA will host a joint event with the and we have developed a presen- Canadian Seed Growers Association tation and materials to share within Winnipeg, Man. The annual meet-anyone that is interested in spreadinging is one of the most important the message. Please join us in help- annual events for our industry, with ing share the story of seed improve- over 500 attendees at our last meeting ments! Please contact CSTA if you arein Whistler, BC. interested in participating.This years meeting takes place from July 12-15, 2020. Registration Moving Closer to the New National Seedwill open in Marchplease visit Organization CSTAs website at seedinnovation.ca, This spring, CSTA members will beemail info@seedinnovation.ca or call receiving a detailed merger pack- us at (613) 829-9527 for more infor-age with information about the newmation. National Seed Organization, or NSO. Over the past several months, the Seed Synergy Oversight Committee and the major national seed indus-56GERMINATION.CA MARCH 2020'