b'THE CANADIAN SEEDTrade Associationit probably doesnt make a lot of sense to (CSTA) board of directors has appointedinvest in a new executive director who Tyler McCann as interim executive direc- may not be in place for a long time. I can tor after Dave Careys departure. McCannfill the chair but in a way that gives CSTA is a senior associate with T. Bjornson andIM CONVINCED WEand the new organization the flexibility Associates, an Ottawa-based consultingit needs to move ahead as efficiently as firm that works exclusively in the agricul- WILL BE ABLE TO GIVEpossible.ture and food space. He has a strong back-ground in government relations, policy,OUR MEMBERSHIP THEYoure coming into the seed industry at a strategy, international trade and associationunique time where were building a Single management. He served as the interimCERTAINTY THEY NEEDNational Seed Organization and really chang-ing the way we operate and function. Whats executive director for the Grain GrowersBY JULY SO EVERYONEyour opinion in regard to how well weve done of Canada and has consulted on strategy, policy, and international trade for clientsCAN UNDERSTANDat this?across Canada in a variety of agricultureI come at this with a fresh set of eyes. My sectors. Before his work in consulting,WHERE THIS IS GOINGstarting point is driven from my experi-McCann worked for the federal govern- ence inside government that has led me ment, including almost 10 years workingAND WHAT THE NSOto believe that in a situation like this, for the countrys agriculture minister. HeWILL ACTUALLY LOOKspeaking with one voice is an important currently lives in Bristol, Que., where hething. Its in everyones interests to come and his wife operate a beef farm. LIKE AND WHERE ITtogether in a bigger, stronger single seed organization. There is broad recognition of You grew up on a farm and are a livestockWILL HEAD NEXT. that and broad agreement from within the producer. How did you get into the consultingindustry. Organizational efficiencies are space?Tyler McCann one thing but the ability to better serve the I put my university education on hold tointerests of the seed sector is a win-win be a part of a minority Parliament that Ifor all the organizations involved.thought wouldnt last long but ended up lasting 10 years. When the governmentThe CSTA is set to vote on the NSO proposal in changed, I was given the opportunity toJuly. Any initial thoughts on how smoothly you work in a small agriculture-focused con- see this going?sulting firm. Over the years, opportunitiesThe 411 on The leadership shown by the Seed have popped up, including time as interimSynergy partners has been tremendous. executive director for Grain Growers ofTyler McCann Im convinced we will be able to give our Canada while they went through a similarHometown: Shawville, Quebecmembership the certainty they need by transition like the CSTA is going through(home of the Shawville Fair, whichJuly so everyone can understand where right now as part of the Seed Synergy pro- attracts around 40,000 people overthis is going and what the NSO will actu-ject. Im at a point where I no longer thinkthe Labour Day weekend) ally look like and where it will head next, consultant is a dirty word. Age: 34 and present that in such a way that will Relationship Status: Married give them the confidence they need to What do you mean? move ahead. Theres a stereotype of consultants comingFavourite Food: Pizzaon and charging a lot of money for not aFavourite Movie: Wonder Boys As a producer yourself, what do you think the lot of work. I have an appreciation for theMotto: Learn to do by doing. net benefit of this will be at the end of the fact that often there is a role that needs today?be played that doesnt warrant the hiringThe short answer is this will absolutely of full-time staff, and thats where some- benefit producers. During my time in one like me steps in and provides a reallygovernment, I realized how hard it is to important service. We work a lot withget messages through on behalf of the ag companies that do a great job producingindustry. There is a lot of outside pres-food, but dont engage government verysure that has a negative impact on what often, and theyre looking for help. CSTAseed growers, grain farmers and primary is a bit different in that its an industryproducers do. There are these movements association that deals a lot with govern- afoot that dont have a good appreciation ment but is going through a lot of change.for modern agriculture, and its in all our When you look at a potential July vote onbest interests to speak with as united a the National Seed Organization proposal,voice as possible. MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 11'