b'PARTNER CONTENT40 YEARS OF INNOVATION Three core components products, application and servicesare at the heart of what Syngenta Seedcare does.FOR 40 YEARS, the name Syngenta has been synonymousThree Core Componentswith innovation, but also with something that is moreThe Syngenta Seedcare offer is built on three core compo-important than ever for an environmentally-consciousnentsproducts, application, and services.worldtransparency.Beyond simply producing quality seed treatments, Syngenta wants treaters, resellers and growers toSyngenta provides in-depth advice and support to safely know exactly what is on the seed so they can makeand effectively apply its products to your seed. Crucial to educated decisions, says Ross Weikel, head of Syngentathis are recipe development and seed safety; application Seedcare in North America.support, quality assessment and engineering assistance; A Syngenta seed treatment is more than an activeand stewardship and training.ingredient on a seed and is comprised of products,Innovation with integrity is what keeps Syngenta application and services, as well as stewardship andand its legacy companies at the forefront of seed treat-safety insights that ensure a good experience for both thement research, making deliberate, positive advancements treater/reseller and the grower. in seed treatment technology, says Ravi Ramachandran, 1979Concep, the first sorghum seed safener, 2003Cruiser Extreme 250, the first is introduced. insecticide/fungicide seed treatment forcorn, enters the market.1982Apron, the first seed treatment fungicide to offer protection against downy mildew, enters 2004Several products are introduced, the market. including CruiserMaxx Beans, the first insecticide/fungicide seed treatment1993Maxim seed treatment fungicide, the firstcombination for soybeans; Dynasty CST,seed treatment to be labeled Reduced Risk by thea seed treatment fungicide registered forREDUCEDEPA, is launched. use on cotton; and Dynasty PD, the first RISK seed-delivered fungicide for peanuts.1994Dividend, the first broad-spectrum systemic fungicide for cereals, receives registration. 2006Avicta, the first seed treatmentnematicide, receives registration for use1997Cruiser, the first seed treatmenton cotton.insecticide, is launched globally.2007Syngenta opens the first Seedcare 2001Cruiser insecticide is introduced in Institute in Stein, Switzerland. the U.S. for use on cotton, sorghum and wheat.2009Avicta Complete Corn, the first nematicide/insecticide/fungicide seedtreatment for corn, is launched.36GERMINATION.CAMARCH 2020'