b' Seed Industry Business Class. Members who areWhat about provincial seed growers branches? How do they legal/operating business entities that primarily derivefit in?revenue from activities along the seed industry valueThe NSO bylaw will provide CSGA provincial branches chain. with an ability to voluntarily enter into an affiliationS eed Industry Affiliate Class. Members that do notarrangement with the NSO. Existing CSGA branches will own an asset that supports the seed industry valuehave three years (starting at the incorporation of the chain, but may be engaged in other activities, suchNSO) to voluntarily and proactively trigger the affiliation as sponsorship, exhibitions, advocacy, etc. arrangement procedure in the NSO general bylaw. UnderSeed Industry Professional Class. Members that arean affiliation arrangement, branches maintain their inde-individual professionals who provide support and/ pendence and the NSO will continue to honour collection or quality assurance services as accredited by CFIA.and remittance of fees. This class has access to the NSO apparatus and its services. Candidates for governance positions may be drawn from this class.Governance has been a huge topic of discussion. How will the NSO actually be governed?The governance approach for the NSO is focused on balancing regional and value chain representation, policy and regulatory functions, and leading governance prac-tices. The proposed working draft board structure will ensure that regional voices are heard and that all seg- TODAY, THE CHALLENGE IS COMMUNICATING ments of the value chain are represented. An 11-memberEFFECTIVELY ALL THE ELEMENTS THAT NEED TO board will be elected by NSO members at the NSOs AGM. At minimum, one board director from each ofBE TAKEN INTO CONSIDERATION PRIOR TO THE seven NSO defined regions (regions are composed of NSO members from across the value chain) and fromRATIFICATION VOTE.each area of the value chain will be selected. The inau- Scott Hornergural board will serve a three-year term to support the start-up and ramp-up of the NSO, with subsequent boards elected for two-year terms. The boards focus will be on the NSOs strategy, operational plans, and budgets.The board will oversee three main subcommittees that will deal with the day-to-day functioning of the NSO. What are the subcommittees?A designated and distinct 11-member Seed Certification Committee will provide an essential firewall between theDo members of the existing five associations automatically regulatory and advocacy functions of the NSO.become members of the NSO?An operating committee will deal with five distinctAll existing members of the Seed Synergy organizations areas of concern: will be grandfathered into the NSO. Members of the fiveAudit & Finance founding organizations will all be welcome to join theGovernance, HR & Membership NSO. There will be no need to screen these members.Quality Assurance (non-seed certification) New members will be charged a fee based on if theyPrograms & Services are an individual or corporate member. This will be anProfessional Development interim fee until a full fee restructuring is completed by Finally, the Public Affairs and Advocacy Committeethe NSO. The NSO will fulfill CSGAs current responsibil-will be the forum to bring industry members togetherity to its branches. Regardless of affiliation arrangement, from across the value chain to build and strengthen thethe NSO will collect and distribute CSGA branches fees future of the industry. without disruption for a limited time. MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 19'