b'March 2020ContentsFEATURES04Conventional Comeback (Sort of) WE THOUGHT IT A GOOD WAY TO BRAND 10 Fresh Set of Eyes12 Protein Potential CANADIAN FABA BEANS. AS WE MOVE22 Is High-Protein, High-Yielding Soy Possible?34 Its All About the End User MORE INTO PULSE-BASED FOOD 38 Why Chris Churko Lives in the Grey AND FOOD PRODUCTS, SAFETY IS 46 SVUA Announcement Raises ConcernsAround Transparency ALWAYS AT THE FOREFRONT.47 Making History52 Helping Farmers in the Developing World Glen Hawkins / 34 Become Self-SufficientPERSPECTIVES08CSAAC16CSGA50 CSI56 CSTA64 Giant ViewsDEPARTMENTS18 Retail Roundtable58 Cross Pollination60World Status62 The HeadlinesSPECIAL SECTIONS26 New Varieties41 INSIDERSON THE COVERChris Churko, chief executive officer of FP Genetics, sat down with us to share his secrets to a successful career and where he sees both the company and the seed industry headed. Cover photo by Adam Reiland (adamreiland.com).MARCH 2020GERMINATION.CA 1'