b'The miracle of seed and the secrets withinSPI is about sharing that with others and people who havent been able to experience it before, says Brian Love, SPI board member and CEO of Ag Science Insights.It can transform their lives. There is this vicious cycle where people dont grow vegetables because there is no seed available, and theres no seed available because they dont grow vegetables. If SPI can work with a partner to break that cycle, what we want to see is them accessing seed from a local source. Were here to work ourselves out of a job. We were born of the seed industry and more and more partners are supporting us to do more than just provide seed but also provide the knowledge and training to get the most out of it.Marks says that SPI works with partners in ways that fit those partners goals. Isabel Fuenzalida is culture and organizational development senior manager for Sakata Seed America based in Morgan Hill, Calif., and says part-nering with SPI has been a wonderful fit.When we sat down with Peter and understood what SPI does, we realized its the perfect seamless alignment for us. It aligns with our corporate mission. The con-nection we now have with SPI is through our corporate giving programSakata Gives, she notes. At Sakata Gives we focus on sustainability, nutrition,Asoixil (Asociacin de Campesinos Maya IXIL) is rebuilding communities health and environment. It checks all the boxes for us,in the Maya Ixil region of Guatemala through education and gardening. and our employees can really relate to what SPI does,With the help of Seed Programs International, their successful pilot project which makes it a great fit all-around. is expanding to include gardens in more remote areas, with a focus on To learn how to support or get involved with SPI as ateaching women as a key to promoting food security for individuals, business or individual visit seedprograms.org.families, and entire communities.Providing Processing & HandlingSolutions for YOUR Business forover 35 YearsIn-HouseOptical SortingWWW.CANSEEDEQUIP.COMDemonstrations1-800-644-8397On-Site Setup& Training 54GERMINATION.CAMARCH 2020'