b'APRIL 2020Producers wishing to participate in the pilot and plant an SVUA variety willHARVEST sign an evergreen SVUA2020 SEPTEMBER System Agreement (SA) /2021 Producers purchase seedProducers harvest theJULY of SVUA varieties fromcrop grown from a SVUA2021Producer and retailer FEBRUARY their local seed retailervariety / Producers mayfeedback on platform; 2020and sign Variety Usedivert some grain forAuditing ofmeasure effectiveness; Acknowledgements, whichseed use in 2021 some farms forrefinement based on SVUA pilot announced includes the maximum SVUF(farm-saved seed) complianceevaluationMARCHGROWINGJUNE - JULYJULY - AUGUST 2020SEASON20212021 SVUA platform is2020Distributors set invoiceSVUF collection and operational / ParticipatingProducers plant SVUF, which may be lowerremittance to seed distributors launch SVUASVUA varieties than the maximum SVUF thatdistributors (who varieties and set maximumthe producer acknowledgedrepresent the plant Seed Variety Use Feeat time of seed purchasebreeders) by CPTA(SVUF) / Retailers are/ SVUA platform sends trained on the SVUA systemgrower Declaration Form / and sign a Retailer SystemProducers declare amount Agreement (RSA) of farm-saved seed planted from SVUA varieties in 2021 / SVUA platform sends each grower a single SVUF invoice (for all SVUA varieties used)will have a SVUA attached were firstquality. CS Accelerates performance in announced by Canterra Seeds during2019 cemented our view that this is a the summer of 2019 and representWarburtons quality wheat.a major shift in the wheat breedingAlong with extensive testing to landscape in Canada. Developed bymake sure it possessed the desiredLimagrain Cereals Research Canadaend-use qualities like dough and and its senior breeder Dr. Jasonbread quality that would make it Reinheimer, CS Accelerate and CSdesirable to bakers, the team at LCRC Daybreak were rapidly brought tobalanced the need for high, reliable market which is impressive for agrain yield to make it a productive breeding program that has beenchoice for Canadian farmers.operating in Canada for only fourCombining high end-use qual-years, Reinheimer says.ity with high grain yield is quite a For a crop that can take as long aschallenge, says Reinheimer. CS 10 years to bring a variety to market,Accelerate is unique as it can pro-LCRC is pushing the boundaries forvide the high grain volumes per what is possible in wheat breeding,acre desired by farmers while being he adds.very desirable to millers and bakers High yielding in a short strongCPTA executive director Lorne Hadley. through its great functional and end-straw package combined with excel- use quality.lent rust resistance, CS AccelerateThe rapid development of plant has demonstrated yields 5% greatergram. CS Accelerate was the only newbreeding technology is opening up than AAC Penhold. It is the latestwheat variety selected to be added toa world of new possibilities in wheat wheat variety to be accepted intothe contract program for 2020. breeding. Reinheimer says modern the Warburtons Canadian IdentityWeve been evaluating CStools are set to change cereal breed-Preserved Program.Accelerate for three years, says Adaming in significant ways. Warburtons has a 26-year historyDyck, Warburtons program managerThis is an exciting time that is of sourcing Canadian wheat with thefor Western Canada. In 2018, we hadreally encapsulated by the whole end-use of providing bread productsseen a couple of years of strong per- value creation discussion. Weve to U.K. consumers through its IP pro- formance and really, really good breadshown you can have breeders, 48GERMINATION.CAMARCH 2020'