b'companies, both public and privatewho are also able to use technologyThe only way we as a breed-organizations, come in with newand their customer network to bringing company can invest dollars into ideas, new ways of doing things, andquality seed to market faster thanresearch for the benefit of the Canadian you can use new breeding methodsever before. grower is the through the royalties that to go faster and look for novel waysLCRC was established in 2015 as awe receive from growers themselves, to use the end product to add valuejoint venture between the Winnipeg- says Tatiana Henry, CEO of LCRC. for the grower, Reinheimer adds. based Canterra Seeds and France- Shes originally from Ukraine and has A company like us that breaksbased Limagrain. LCRC is the firstexperience working with value creation the norm and brings products ofendeavour of its kind in Canada, asystems elsewhere in the world.high value to market very fast cancountry that has lagged behind otherWe hope the pilot is successful come into the space, but we needareas of the world where value crea- and brings value to us, which we will the financial incentive to do it andtion models have already taken rootpay back to growers through new the SVUA offers that incentive. It alsoin the form of end-point royalties orinnovations in breeding.gives us an opportunity to partnertrailing royalties, the latter of whichVisit seedvaluecreation.ca for more with a company like Canterra Seeds,the SVUA is based on. info. MARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 49'