b'CSGA / SEEDGROWERS.CA / GET A FIRSTHAND LOOK AT OUR MODERNIZED STANDARDSAFTER 15 YEARS WEVE FINALLY GIVEN CIRCULAR 6 A FACELIFTITS BEEN OVER 15 years since the Canadian Regulationsin the standard for wild oats in oat and Procedures for Pedigreed Seed Crop Production,seed crops and the formation of an better known as Circular 6, has had a facelift. An impor- eighth working group focusing on tant part of the CSGA board of directors vision for thethe requirements for hybrid seed corn future was a modernized version of Circular 6. Key objec- crop production.tives identified in the CSGAs five-year Strategic Plan wereHowever, the most important to modernize Circular 6 through regular review and tochange for 2020 is the launch of a improve the user experience. modernized, newly formatted and A multi-phase plan was implemented to ensure thatredesigned version of Circular 6. The the standards and requirements reflect the most recentnew formatting brings with it individ-scientific and technological advancements, as well as newual crop-specific one-pagers which Gail Harris, market demands and production realities. Another impor- clearly lay out the crop-specific Manager, Standardstant aspect of the plan was to make Circular 6 easierstandards for things like isolation and CSGA to understand by making the mandatory requirementsprevious land use requirements, so clearer and separate from best management practices,seed growers no longer need to wade and by supporting seed growers through the entire seedthrough the standards for multiple production process. crop kinds to find what they are During the first phase of the modernization project,looking for. Not only are they easier six crop-specific working groups were formed to com- to find, they are easier to understand. pletely review the standards for their respective cropThe new format also includes a sec-kinds and to identify priorities for the future. Importanttion describing the general require-principles guiding the discussions included harmonizationments for all pedigreed seed crops with other jurisdictions to facilitate trade without placingas well as sections for accredited plot Canadian seed producers or exporters at a disadvantagegrowers and probationary growers for and ensuring the standards are fit for purpose.a one-stop source of information.To obtain broader stakeholder input, the working groupsNew challenges on the horizon consisted not only of seed growers but also the seed trade,include the development of standards seed crop inspectors and plant breeders, as well as industryfor new types of hemp seed pro-and government representatives. As a result of the workduction including the use of clones, done by the working groups, and with feedback from thehybrids and feminized seed produc-membership through an online survey, nearly 30 changestion, as CSGA has been receiving were made to the standards and requirements for the 2018a lot of interest in recent months. crop production season. But the work didnt stop there. As the industry evolves and new During the second phase of the project, a mustardcrop types provide opportunities for working group was established. Many difficult issuesagriculture, new standards will posi-were addressed resulting in a number of changes for 2019.tion farmers to take advantage of the The changes included the establishment of standards forbenefits of using certified seed.wild mustard in canola and mustard seed crops, and theThe board and staff always wel-development of brand-new standards for hybrid wheat. Acome feedback on efforts to modern-second survey on the proposed revisions was launchedize the standards. To get a first-hand on CSGAs then-new online member engagement platformlook at the standards in their new SeedTALK. During this second phase, the initial stepsformat, visit the CSGA website at were also taken towards simplifying and reformatting theseedgrowers.ca. standards.The third phase of the project brings brand-new standards for hybrid mustard, a long-anticipated change 16GERMINATION.CA MARCH 2020'