b'Who said what? Y CHAIR SAYS CURRENT ient t VIEWING o sc isF AGRONOM E ada, cr pirst NEW WGR TEMS NEED R stern Can s as the fN INCROPPING SYS my research in We tate y chair at the agrono uited from the United SAFETY A TOP CONCER To help expandecr tion integrated agronomAYS S IRUS o o ru theMar Gr gault has been r GRF, Bourgaula u at cSe d Fe e ratio nce s t a dat te or thesterna askatche Founda in environmen s multiple diplanst ISF S nsAV r the c s r uedi sta s,mentWe yse Bour ins Researcho reven years from W tal sciencessc tlines IGHT OF CORON nav wan.L oncer ov e n i e f University of S ve s ipD e r to er ex e d ther lla ionWith $2 million in fundingre groundrs from acros to research aimed aional ca ch 30, Inte n endingom March 11 to Mar physiologist with a back searche d approachtion potential and to memb st ress f opfar ers andnd integrate op producISF World Seed Cong y andcr work withm rative a easing cr2 t to communicate openl ga es,tobring a collabo gement and incr ing sev-020. tan ers, dele t toom having soil manaWe think it is impor reg tered memb ons wanting toimprov y. ould surely benefit fr gault. But Im obje tiv ly with alla isother pers outh Africa, ISFsustainabilit questions that w ther, said Bour hat they feelar c e , sponsorsnd ape Town, S e ar a lot ofts looking into it toge s to understand w ht have the tners e p eg ter and join us in C itiesTher ferent specialis solutions that migaid in a s ith the r t coronavir planning on taking the time to talk to farmer tify improver is tatement. elevant author useral dif issues and the-s r t w cur en dmig be the most pressingwill be re iewed to iden ironmentally ular contac to ther ht situation, it said in the statement. At press time, there ISF is in reg inegar ue orr gr s r t. croppingtemspr tices that are envin Sou Africadf hegion an eate t impac sys ac vthe vis ie s dt e said cur enttechnologies andnowledge by the event was scheduled to go ahead as planned frommen y sus abletrib t ts of the pr t nol ad or s is Shet suchnewtainable. u e to in st y k oduc-weretrav sasdu r02 and economicall e will beto con ious componen t practices mighISF assures you that all appropriate measures will being a sJune 8-10, 2 0.ing th ing at the var fers on site. Wem hop at w stand how dif eneed Congres nd sponsorsI tep back and look an under gault. in place for the ISF World S s, pa nal autho ities wi tak ystem to see how we c ther, said Bourlegate rtners a r tht each oise members, de their n tio tion s ther or againsadv ouch witha visories. work togeto get in t st travel ad t cannot take egard to the late clear the even y, it said.s use r t it becomess immediatel eeder s y growers, producer ansferr s. To do this, brIn the even ill inform member APES" s and consumer kers across specieplace, ISF w ELL BEYOND GR ing those mar griTech in Geneva, COVERY "GOES W ieties that satisf vated cousins. Tr ts at Cornell AGENE tri s from wild specie s, geneticists and bioinf matic specialis vesrker TranARKER DIS w var s into their culti or sferability in a TIC M ing to develop nePlant br s are always s v able trait ine breeder th rhAmpSeq Impro Ma leaps and eeder ing desir rapevkers to br t, but a team of g w method. e Genome Wi species by genetic mar ficult at bes ful ne ollinear Cor s grapevineines have the has been dif ith a power the Vitis C rate acros y which vw York, has come up w in Haplotypingunications s markers transferind out immediatel ts were. in the .Ne re ea ch is detailedNature Comm tic markers improve tions and f s their paren of horticulture Theirs r gene an screen their collec hich specie professor verse Genus, published indevelopings worldwide c e they came from or w uce Reisch,s applicable for breed-Di for technique. W eeder e, wher saido author Br ram. ItThenew% to 92% ith it, br ie s they ar grapes,c - verse organisms.teamstie ine Breeding and Genetics Progboundsfrom 2 egardless of what var goes well beyonds and other dine marker dev ife Sciences, and leader of Cornells Grapevaits they wantr t strategy tr welopmen ape breeding programs, plant specieThisriculture and L s dif erent gring and genetic studies acros fCollege of Ag58GERMINATION.CAMARCH 2020'