b'BrettYoung/Elite Amirani R2 2150 CHU Excellent Good IDC tolerance An new standard for yield and plant development in 800-665-5015 000.5 RM Good resistance to PRR the Ultra Early soybean category.brettyoung.ca Good Tolerance to WhiteTall plant with excellent podding heightMouldRenuka R2X 2375 CHUExcellent Good IDC tolerance A new mid season RR2X, narrow leafed soybean for 00.3 RM Good resistance to PRR heavy soils of Manitoba.Good Tolerance to WhiteSemi-bushy medium height plant with excellent yield Mould potentialNutrien AgPV 15s0009 R2X 2300 CHU 100% ofPhytophthora (Rps1cTall variety with excellent standabilitySolutions/ProvenP002A19X gene) resistant Ideal for light fertile soils under narrow row productionSeed Soybean Cyst Nematode 403-603-6000 (SCN) resistantProvenSeed.ca PV 16s004 R2X 2400 CHU 110% ofPhytophthora (Rps1kTall busher variety is great for wide row productionP005A27X gene) resistant Excellent disease package with reliable results under Soybean Cyst Nematodereduced tillage operations(SCN) resistantGood IDC and white mold tolerancePV 14s008 RR2 2500 CHU 109% ofGood Phytophthora fieldFull season soybean with excellent yield potentialP007A90R toleranceBushy growth habit is well suited for wide row Good IDC and white moldproductiontolerance Strong disease packagePV 19s006 R2X 2450 CHU 101% ofExcellent IDC tolerance Excellent standabilityP005A27X Soybean Cyst NematodeStrong disease package(SCN) resistant Medium height that stands well with great appearanceExcellent white mould tolerancePhytophthora (Rps1c gene) and Good PRR toleranceSeCan Merritt R2X 2400 HU Excellent Semi tolerant to IDC Medium Tall slim plantsecan.com 00.4 RM Phytophthora = 1K+1CStands great800-665-7333 + field tolerance Looked good all over Manitoba in 2019Resistant to White MouldTALL FESCUEVariety Name/ Winter Disease/Pest Company Contact Type Use Hardiness Resistance HighlightsBrettYoung SWAJ Hay and Pasture Very Good Crown rust resistance Bred for exceptional winter hardiness, soft leaved 800-665-5015 palatability and top yield. brettyoung.ca Suitable for both hay and pasture applications. Improved feed quality. Outstanding winter hardiness. High yield. Tall plant heightTIMOTHYVariety Name/ Winter Disease/Pest Company Contact Type Use Hardiness Resistance HighlightsBrettYoung Catapult Hay and Pasture Excellent Yes Early maturity with excellent spring vigour and sum-800-665-5015 mer regrowth.brettyoung.ca Suitable for pure stand hay or as a component in mixtures.Strong seedling vigourExceptional stand persistenceExcellent yieldTall plant heightDLF PICKSEED Winnetou Hay/Grazing Excellent Yes Late maturity800-661-GROW Replicated Private Trials Very good forage qualitydlfpickseed.ca Very good grazing toleranceVery good spring vigourVery good winterhardinessWHEATVariety Name/ Disease/Pest Company Contact Type Maturity Yield Resistance HighlightsAlliance Seed SY Torach +2 days of AC104% of ACMR - FHB Excellent Protein Levels and Yield 877-270-2890 CWRS Carberry CarberryR Loose Smut, MR StemStrong MR for FHB, allianceseed.com Rust Short Strong Straw for Intensive ManagementR Leaf Rust, MS Stripe RustAAC Redberry +3 days of AC107% of ACI - FHB Excellent Yield with signficantly earlier maturityCWRS Carberry CarberryR - Stem, Leaf and StripeGood Protein with excellent milling.Rust Excellent harvest quality in tough weather condi-R Loose SmuttionsMARCH 2020 GERMINATION.CA 31'