b'CSGAs Roadmap to Success is ClearSEVERAL MONTHS AFTERCanadian Seedthat seed growers like me saw as potentially detrimen-Growers Association (CSGA) members voted downtal to their bottom lines. As CSGA members, we have a the Seeds Canada amalgamation proposal, Im confi- strong voice and strong influence over policy develop-dent about the future of my association. Anyone look- ment and we want that to continue.ing for a roadmap to the future of CSGA need look noThe CSGA is preparing to make important decisions further than its strategic plan, available on the CSGAabout its future and the positions it will take on Seed website. Regulatory Modernization. These decisions will set the The plan lays out five main initiatives that CSGAcourse for the CSGA to achieve its vision for a modern RON MARKERT is undertaking that are designed to move Canadianseed certification system by communicating with its is the owner ofseed growers into the 21st century. Part of the plan ismembers.Markert Seeds into modernize Circular 6, including enhancing CSGAsCSGA has already announced that it plans to have Vulcan, Alta. He hasmember services and expanding its business opportu- a new target operating model ready in the new year, sat on numerousnitieswhich involves developing and implementingwhich will lay out a path forward.seed grower boardsa business plan to facilitate CSGAs expansion into theA recent edition of CSGAs Seed Scoop newsletter and was a membercertification of non-traditional crop kinds and types. notes that, The new [Seeds Canada] organization is of the Seed SynergyCSGAs recent announcement that it has developedsimilar to, but different in some important ways, from Oversight Committee certification requirements for feminized hemp seedthe version that CSGA members rejected this past varieties to allow Canadian plant breeders and seedsummer.growers to produce seed for this potentially lucrativeIt goes on to say that CSGA looks forward to market are a prime example. working with the new organization to ensure that seed Thats what seed growers have always done growers voices are aligned with those of the new modernize and keep up with the times. Everything isorganization where we have similar policy positions laid out in the CSGA Strategic Plan, and we are carry- and where we do not, to seek common ground.ing out that vision every day. As our national president Joe Rennick said in Despite the CSGA vote to not become a part ofa letter to members back in October of 2020, the Seeds Canada, Seeds Canada is going ahead withCanadian Food Inspection Agency has just initiated the participation of the other four associations and isthe first phase of its long-awaited process to modern-expected to be active as of Feb. 1, 2021. ize the Seeds Regulations, with the establishment of a As it moves ahead as a standalone organization, inSeed Regulatory Modernization Working Group. my personal opinion, CSGA members should be confi- CSGA is at the table, but we are one of many, so dent in the path ahead. All of the articles I have read ineffective partnerships and alliances will continue to be various media about the Seeds Canada amalgamationkey success factors going forward, Mr. Rennick wrote.focus on the fact that CSGA members overwhelminglyIll be the first to say that the two groupsCSGA voted against amalgamation. and Seeds Canadawill accomplish a lot if we work To me, the August 2020 no vote was not a votetogether. As a proud seed grower and CSGA member, against amalgamation so much as it was a vote forI look forward to seeing both organizations work CSGA and what many seed growers see as the path totoward a common good. SW ensuring the best for their businesses.There was a lot about the Seeds Canada proposal 80/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'