b'S T R A T E G YRoma-type ToBRFV-resistanting its unique tomato geneticance to a new virus. Neither ofmarkers for a given trait, often tomatoes. The trials, whichmaterial to enable the identi- them has the complete picture.with 100 progenitors or less to begin in September in Mexico,fication of extremely strongIt is when the plant breederdevelop molecular markers for will include two varieties ofresistance to the ToBRFV.takes an ideal plant to thedisease resistance or any other Roma-type tomato that claimCrossing this resistance sourcegenomics solutions specialist istrait. This reduces the amount IR to ToBRFV. The type ofwith its advanced commer- when the discovery begins toof needed greenhouse space. IR Bayer has seen in thesecial lines is expected to givehappen.Cloud computing has made it varieties is commonly referredPhiloseed a strong presence inGradus can use his toolspossible to manage and trans-to as symptomless or asymp- the markets in which it is active.to look into the genetics of afer the large amount of data tomatic carriers. Despite theEverybody wants a betterplant and get a picture of theneeded to develop proprietary presence of virus particles,tomato with more yield, saysgenetic composition of anmolecular markers. these plants show little or noDr. Ehud Kopeliovitch, breed- ideal variety. He has no needIn the past year, the dimin-symptoms of the virus in theing manager at Philoseed andto check whether the breederishing need for field obser-leaf and/or fruit if the cropa global renowned tomatois wrong or right. Instead,vation has eliminated many becomes infected by the virus.breeder. Nutritional value andthey can now say, Wow, weof the geographical barriers Bayer anticipates its seedfunctional food values are theknow the sequence of theand restrictions imposed products will be available forissues companies are request- genetics we want in our newby COVID-19 lockdowns. commercial sale in Mexico ining. Some want longer shelfplant. Then, the next time theWhile other companies were 2021, to be followed later bylife, improved flavor: they wantbreeder shows a plant, theyrestricted and unable to make offerings in other importantto put everything together. Incan analyze it and tell whetherfield observations, NRGenes markets around the world. the last five years, the mainit is the one they want. Theywork continued and was NRGene and Philoseed,concern among plant breed- can tell if it is similar to whatlargely unimpeded by lock-both located in Israel, areers has been resistance to thethey want or how close it is todowns. collaborating to use artificialTomato brown rugose fruitwhat we want. When we putWe take the benefits of intelligence and machinevirus. Everybody is looking tothose things together, we cancloud computing, artificial learning to identify andsolve that problem all at onceget the benefits of the synergyintelligence and machine develop genetic resistance.with better genetics, not bybetween the two disciplines.learning together with plant NRGenes advanced multi- breeding to make incremen- We believe if we pooledbreeding to get results faster purpose breeding platformtal gains. Genetic resistancethe capacity of NRGene andthan we could do if we had is an artificial intelligenceis at the frontal focus of thePhiloseed, we could get a veryto always rely on field obser-(AI) cloud-based solution forindustry. strong tool with the leveragevations. NRGene is now in managing the full genomicIf someone were to askto break the new ToBRFV virusa position to be looking at diversity of species. It canDr. Ben Gradus, NRGenewhich is probably the mostbringing projects first to analyze unlimited volumes ofGenomics solutions special- concerning issue in the world- market, says Gradus. genomic data, enabling sci- ist at NRGene to describewide tomato industry today,This progress is all with-entists and breeders to easilywhat makes a good variety, hehe says. out the use of biotechnology relate genomic sequenceswould tell you it is not his jobNRGene is using state-of- methods such as trans-with beneficial traits, makingto describe a good tomato. Onthe-art genetic computationalgenic modification (GMO) a genomic selection and traitthe other side, when a planttechnology to introduce newor CRISPR intervention. The mapping much more produc- breeder looks at a variety,genetic material into severalprogress involves accelerated tive. Data use is accelerated,they can see and evaluateelite varieties in far less time.classical breeding and is made making breeding both fasterphenotypic traits. They will tellThe process uses a minimummore accurate by big data and more cost-effective. whether the vine looks good,number of generations to inte- and molecular marker devel-Philoseed has the expertisethe tomato looks good and ifgrate a trait. Fewer plants areopment. SWand experience in combin- the tomato has strong resist- required to discover molecular ENDORSED BY 62/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'