b'all 2020 grain production of its high oleic soybean to ADM, who specializes human and animal nutrition. Calyxts high oleic soybean was launched in 2019 as the first commercially approved gene-edited food in the United States. ADM has contracted to purchase all of Calyxts high oleic soybean grain, following an initial purchase earlier in the year. Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness Invests $4.5 Million to Better Serve CustomersWilbur-Ellis Agribusiness had increased the stor-age capacity from 500,000 gallons to more than 3.5 million gallons at its Central Ferry, Washington. The upgrade includes building three new million-gallon tanks for the storage of urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) and Thio-Sul, important liquid fertilizer solutions, and high-quality nitrogen and sulfur products, for the moreically innovative irrigation water management systems than 500 growers Wilbur-Ellis serves in the region. in the world.Mosaic and BioConsortia to Collaborate on NewArcadia Biosciences Signs Hemp Distribution Nitrogen-Fixing Microbial Products Agreement With Tritium 3HThe Mosaic Company and BioConsortia, Inc. haveArcadia Biosciences, Inc. announced it has signed a entered into a collaboration to develop and launchBenson Hilldistribution agreement with Tritium 3H, Inc. (T3H), a nitrogen-fixing microbial products for corn, wheatCanadian hemp seed company based in Lethbridge, and other major non-legume row crops. Through aannounced aAlberta, that specializes in hemp field testing, certified process called biological nitrogen fixation, benefi- collaborationseed production, commercialization and distribution of cial plant-associated microbes are able to naturallyindustrial hemp varieties for the Canadian market. T3H produce nitrogen in forms that are desired by plants,with family- will distribute Arcadias GoodHemp seed varieties and thereby reducing the reliance on synthetic inputs ofowned Rosegenetics in Canada once they have been certified by nitrogen. the Association of Official Seed Certifying Agencies Acre Farms. (AOSCA) and Health Canada.Benson Hill Collaborates with Rose Acre FarmsBenson Hill announced a collaboration with family- Syngenta Announces Development of owned Rose Acre Farms to optimize its soybeanSpiropidionprocessing capacity in Seymour, Indiana, and build outSyngenta recently announced the global launch of the supply chain for Benson Hills high-protein, high- spiropidion, a new insecticide active ingredient. The oleic, low anti-nutrient soybeans. This collaborationtechnology will help farmers protect a broad range of will allow local growers to tap into price premiums forcrops against damaging and difficult-to-control suck-food- and feed-grade identity-preserved, non-GMOing pests in a targeted, effective and environmentally soybeans, and support Benson Hill as it meets grow- sustainable manner. In North America, Syngenta has ing demand for high-protein animal feed and plantentered into an agreement with Gowan Company protein ingredients for plant-based foods. The newL.L.C., a family-owned agricultural solutions busi-collaboration will also support jobs in the area andness headquartered in Yuma, Arizona. Gowan has boost the local economy. been granted an exclusive license to market and sell a patented spiropidion 300 SC formulation in the United Wilbur-Ellis Agribusiness Acquires ProbeStates and Canada.ScheduleWater management and sustainability will continueHELM Agro US Granted EPA Approval for to be a focus for growers and consumers today andKatagon Corn Herbicidein the future. Wilbur-Ellis Company LLC announcedHELM Agro US, Inc. announced that Katagon herbi-its acquisition of the assets of Probe Schedule, LLC tocide has received federal registration from the U.S. provide its customers with one of the most technolog- Environmental Protection Agency. Katagon is a next-FEBRUARY 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /75'