b'SINCE 1915 The first issue of Seed World was published in 1915. Here the editors will take you back in time to explore the numbers, news and issues that impacted the seed industryall covered by Seed World.1915 19201925 193519391940194519501952195519601970197519801982 198519901993 19951998200020022005201020152020Federal Seed Act requires truthfulUSDA studies effect of chillingFirst geneticallyPotomac pearUSDA genetically engineers a labeling on vegetable seeds intemperatures on tomatoes; leads toengineered cropreleased. tomato to boost its levels of interstate commerce and prohibitsuse of moderate temperatures inplant developedgood-for-the-body lycopene.importation of low-quality seed. transportation of tomatoes. (tomato).A MOMENT IN TIMEOur September 1998 issue featured a hot new trend in vegetable research and development: the concept of functional foods. We reported that years of research by leading universities and government health organizations show overwhelming evidence that certain plant-borne chemicals have positive, possibly medicinal effects on health and even disease prevention and treatment. The article noted that driven by these findings, research organizations are taking a closer look at traits that enhance the nutritional value of produce varieties. The seed industrys exploration of such disease-fighting varieties is in anticipation of a worldwide swing toward good health through a healthful diet. Through the creation of innovative varieties, vegetable seed companies in particular are poised to become the major source of ammunition in the worlds disease-prevention arsenal.FACTS AND FIGURES FROM THIS 1998 ISSUE:$100billion is the estimated value of the functional foods market in 1998.240,000is the number of acres of forage corn grown in the United Kingdom.17is the number of tonnes per acre that kale yields in the UK in 1998.6.4%is the increase in demand for U.S. soybeans due to U.S. soybean board check-off investments in the European Union. $2million is the size of the endowment established by the International Turfgrass Producers Foundation.78/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'