b'I N D U S T R Y N E W S Delivering the news you need to know. Submissions welcomeemail us at news@issuesink.com. seeds, and the extraction process often leads to the rest of the plant being discarded in the process. Jay Thelen, a professor of biochemistry at the University of Missouri (MU), has found a way to boost the pro-duction of triacylglycerolthe main component of vegetable oilin plant leaves, a technique that could allow producers to harvest oil from large, leafy plants that also have other uses. Sorghum, for examplea global source of grain prized for its drought-resistant qualitiescould serve a dual role as a source of veg-etable oil, creating a more efficient and valuable crop.Novel Haplotype-Led Approach to Increase the Precision of Wheat BreedingWheat researchers at the John Innes Centre are pioneering a new technique that promises to improve On December 1, ASTA and 25 leading food andgene discovery for the globally important crop. In the new study which appears in Communications Biology, ag organizations sent letters to the NationalJohn Innes Centre researchers show that current plat-Governors Association, White House, andforms used by breeders do not provide the resolution needed to distinguish between haplotypes, potentially the Biden transition team requesting priorityleading to inaccurate breeding decisions.COVID-19-vaccine access to essential critical WUR Monitors Expansion of Digital Tools in infrastructure workers. Early on in the pandemic,Agriculture Worldwidethe U.S. Department of Homeland SecuritysThe uptake of digital agricultural tools and services Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agencyaround the world will be tracked by researchers from Wageningen University & Research. WUR will continue rightly designated the food and agriculture sectorthe work of the EU-funded institution, the Technical as part of the nations critical infrastructure. ThisCentre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA). WUR works on digital technologies and fostering digi-has helped ensure that planting, harvesting,talization in agriculture and food through research and processing, and distribution of human and animalpolicy support including data science, modeling, data food has been able to continue to meet the needsdriven monitoring and evaluation, and ground activi-ties to pilot innovations.of consumers.BUSINESS NEWSSGS and RLP Agroscience GMBH Announce Cornell-Bred Malting Barley Has a Name:PartnershipExcelsior Gold SGS is expanding its service portfolio through coop-The first variety of spring malting barley bred byeration with RLP AgroScience. RLP AgroScience com-Cornell to succeed in New Yorks wet climate and sup- plements SGSs existing service portfolio in the area port the states $5.4 billion craft beer industry just gotof good laboratory practice (GLP) contract research a new name: Excelsior Gold. Formerly called CU-31,with 14C metabolism and environmental studies. This the barley got its name as a result of a contest co- partnership enables RLP AgroScience to extend its hosted this fall by the College of Agriculture and Lifeportfolio of safety studies and expand its customer Sciences (CALS) and the New York State Departmentbase to include chemicals, biocides, veterinary drugs of Agriculture and Markets.and pharmaceuticals.Higher Oil Production in Plant Leaves CouldCalyxt Announces Sale of Entire 2020 Grain Revolutionize Vegetable Oil Industry Production to ADMVegetable oils are traditionally extracted from fruits orCalyxt, Inc. announced that it has contracted to sell 74/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'