b'PARTNER CONTENTNew Partnership Offers Field-To-Result Mid-Density Genotyping SolutionsA t Agriplex Genomics, our ambitionindustry. We take the key SNPs from is to provide the most innovativeNRGene and develop a proprietary mul-and reliable mid-density genotyp- tiplexed assay using our PlexSeq technol-ing service available anywhere. ThatsWorking together, ogy. Then, we run this assay through our why weve recently formed a partnershipNRGene and Agriplex can in-house robotics and next-generation se-with genomics data solutions company,quencers. Our PlexCall analysis software NRGene. Individually, both of our compa- meet clients genotyping needsthen automatically produces a concise nies boast molecular breeding decision- from start to finish.report of allele frequencies and SNP calls. making components: NRGene offers anLastly, NRGene handles the projects optimized genotyping software solutionfinal strides, translating our call results and turn-key informatics; Agriplex deliv- into predictive genomics and breeding ers focused amplicon-based sequencingset of SNPs representing genetic differ- program guidance. The received data technology. Together, our partnershipences. They further reduce the target set ofgoes back into NRGenes platform which offers a field-to-lab genotyping solution forSNPs to the minimum need to genotype aapplies its imputation procedure and labs that may need to initiate or enhancemassive number of samples. This mini- delivers the full SNP set for all samples. their molecular breeding programs.mal set is designed to allow for a "fill inThe SNP panels that are used can be flex-NRGene covers a projects front end. Itthe blanks" computational process calledibly adjusted to fit more precisely to the begins with NRGenes analytical solutionimputation. This process delivers the fullspecific populations and the evolution - SNPer. Even though it involves ad- target set for all samples. Since fewer dataof the breeding program, for the benefit vanced algorithmics, the logic behind thispoints are actually measured and the ma- of next generations genotyping. And the solution is clear and simple: to minimizejority are computationally deduced, costscycle goes onthe number of data points measured perare greatly reduced.NRGenes bioinformatic capabilities sample while maintaining the maximalAgriplex Genomics manages the proj- give us the DNA sequence information we amount of information provided. NRGeneects mid-field. The goal of imputation is torequire to develop a winning multiplexed sequences and analyzes the full genomicreduce a large, expensive assayto a moreassay, says Scott Weigel, co-founder of diversity used in a breeding program tomanageable and cost-effective size, 1,000AgriPlex Genomics. But the real winners discover millions of SNPs segregating into 3,000 SNPs. For this range, Agriplexsare the researchers, and breeders who ben-the genetic pool. Next, they select a targettechnology is the most optimized in theefit from complete datasets at a lower cost.FEBRUARY 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /17'