b'but mutagenesis, somatic hybridization, and new (not transgenic) biotechnologies should be welcomed.Some of the provisions in the Regulation go in the right direction, for instance, limiting the derogations, says Gonzalez. This is something that Euroseeds has long advocated for and, for instance, nowadays seed propagated under certified organic conditions has become the most common reproductive material used in organic farming. Other provisions included in the Regulation are still under discussion (organic heterogene-ous material and the so-called organic varieties), he adds. According to Gonzalez, different types of reproductive material should be avail- Teodoro Cardi.Jamie Prohens. able to the diversity of organic farmers, provided that organic seed is not estab-lished as a minor quality category of seed (i.e. identity, performance, reliability). This will be the decisive factor to determine whether it is a step in the good direction or no, he says.ES: Some say that seed company investment decisions are driven by farmers needs, not by consumer preferences. What is your take on this?For Gonzalez, it is the farmers that play a key role on deciding about investments, but they are not the only ones who have a say on it. On the one hand, for certain crops such as potatoes or vegetables, spe-cific consumer choices and preferencesMeasurements of the root apparatus of tomato plants grown in the organic experimental are the driving force of breeding (maybefarm in Monsampolo del Tronto, Italy, in the framework of the Bresov project. even more than farmers needs), he says.PHOTO COURTESY OF DR. G. CAMPANELLIOn the other hand, for instance, for the last decades, breeders have been work- healthier products and lower environmen- organic plant breeding programs should ing on new varieties with higher yieldstal impact. take advantage of new technologies, and improved resource use efficiencyProhens thinks that this may be asays Cardi. They cannot rely only on (nitrogen, water). This is a clear exampletransient situation, but in the end con- crossing sexually compatible parents. on how to combine farmers needs withsumers preferences prevail. If consumersThey would be less efficient in terms of the citizens request for more sustainableare demanding and willing to pay for atime and results. agriculture.certain product, farmers will be drivenProhens also does not agree with the I do not think this is true anymore,to produce according to consumersstatement. Organic plant breeding can says Cardi. Probably, in the past, yielddemands, he says. make use of many tools of modern biotech-was the only objective of breeding com- nology, such as molecular markers, that panies, but now, more and more, qualityES: On average, organic plantallow improving the efficiency of breeding. aspects, including taste, nutritional con- breeding programs take moreBy taking into account that organic breed-tent, etc., are primary breeding objectives.time, are perhaps less efficient anding puts a lot of emphasis on genotype X Even the management of pathogens andpossibly also riskier. Would you sayenvironment interactions, it can increase pests through the use of resistant geno- that such an approach serves thethe diversity of the agricultural ecosystem. types is an aspect that should be appreci- organic sector well? So, I consider it serves the purpose of the ated by consumers since it guaranteesNo. As I mentioned before, I think thatorganic sector, he says.SW68/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'