b'pened in the corn space have come whento purchase traits the way they want to unrelated germplasm pools have beenin the seed brands they want to, and, and bred together. Thats what were currentlyas an independent trait developer, Cibus building. is able to help farmers accomplish that, Sissons says.New Collaboration Opportunities As part of its purchase by FBN, the According to FBN, its acquisition of theentire Haplotech team will become FBN Cibus Canadian canola assets and itsCanada employees. In addition to its purchase of Haplotech will help bringWinnipeg headquarters, Haplotech also increased competition to the seed indus- has field capacity elsewhere in Western try and also opens the door for unprec- Canada and in Chile.edented collaboration with other seedHaplotech founder and president Rale developers that need elite germplasm toGjuric will lead FBN Canadas seed R&D enhance their own programs and sup- team. Gjuric previously served as the porting independent developers withdirector of the Plant Breeding Academy promising traits that have had, until now,at the University of California, Davis.no clear path to market. For too long, canola farmers have For Cibus, developing traits hasbeen subject to industry consolidation, formed the basis of its operations in bothDaniel Dyer is head of seed R&D for FBNleaving them with fewer price choices, the United States and Canada. Accordingbased in Florida. Gjuric said in a statement. Were excited to Norm Sissons, the companys vice- to join FBN Canada and provide a path president of seed and traits based ininput crop categories in the largest globalto commercialize canola seed and bring Winnipeg, Manitoba, the next step iscrops: canola, rice, soybean, corn andCanadian farmers true market competi-focusing more of those efforts on bring- wheat. The decision to divest its canolation for their business.ing traits to market. Sissons also formerlyseed breeding assets to FBN is part of aThe acquisitions also highlight the served for Syngenta, as global crop busi- strategic refocus. innovative agricultural research being ness head. We see value in different businessconducted in Winnipeg, Dyer says. Sissons says the company is focusingmodels. From my standpoint, its reallyCanola was first developed at the its business on developing traits in keyabout providing farmers with the choiceUniversity of Manitoba in the 1970s.SWWIN-WINEasy setup between seed lots Integrated material distribution Modular expandable design Adjustable precise flow meteringBAG MORE GOOD SEED AND IMPROVE THE PRODUCT QUALITY YOU Quick sorter adjustments DELIVER TO YOUR CUSTOMERS. ROTARY SORTERS FROM PROFILE INDUSTRIES CAN TRANSFORM YOUR SEED CLEANING OPERATION.High capacity geometry24/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'