b'PROTECTING INNOVATIONThe Gooses Daily Golden EggAS I AM HANDEDthe reins of the execu- If you look closely, its an exciting time in agriculture! tive director position of the Seed InnovationAs innovators, we view these challenges as opportuni-Protection Alliance (SIPA) for 2021, I think back toties. Some of the recent advancements in breeding Aesops Fable about the goose that laid the goldentechniques such as molecular markers, genomic map-egg. As you may recall, the farmer was blessed dailyping, precision editing techniques are allowing breed-with a golden egg from this one particular goose.ers and researchers to surgically breed better crops! This was very lucrative for the farmer except (s)heMother Nature never rests and will continue to throw a ELOY R. CORONA wondered that there must be gold inside this hen. Locurve balls to anyone trying to change things against Eloy R. Coronaand behold to the farmers surprise, after killing theher wishes. This is why we see survival resistance show previously worked forhen, it was just like any other. up in all pests. We must stay in front of this if we are both Monsanto andAs the new executive director, I am charged by ourto feed a hungry planet in a more sustainable, produc-BASF as an expert inmembers to remind us all about the value of innova- tive manner. Todays research and development effort intellectual propertytion in the U.S. seed industry. Regardless of whetherdoesnt come free or fast. It takes approximately $1-7 before taking theit is protected by trademarks, patents, Plant Varietymillion to develop a new variety and over 6-10 years reins as the executiveProtection certificates, or trade secrets, there are anwith conventional breeding. For a trait conferring agro-director of SIPA.army of individuals tirelessly inventing, testing newnomic/quality improvements, it costs approximately ideas brought to farms as new seed innovations that$140 million over 10-14 years to bring to market!provides value to farmers, dealers as well as breeders and developers.While not always as evident as it may seem, these innovations are introduced in better genetics bred to stand up to targeted climatic conditions, with toler- When you buy and use new seed from ance and resistance to yield and quality robbing weeds, insects and diseases. Many innovations involveauthorized dealers/retailers and use it to grow a protecting live seed from early stresses via genetics,single crop, you are benefiting from the gooses seed coats and treatments. Other innovations produce an improved quality trait such as healthier oils, moredaily golden egg. Dont take shortcuts and kill nutritional varieties, tailored vegetable fruit shape,the goose. size and taste that consumers value or improved shelf life that reduces food waste in the supply chain. Then there is the sector working to significantly increase production of vegetables in greenhouse settings being WHEREWEB more efficient with land, water and sunlight! There are ON THEvery targeted breeding efforts to address the specificAs we look at stewarding our agricultural land we For more information onneeds for each crop within this segment. And of course,must also steward our agricultural innovations so that the intellectual propertylet us not forget the impact of a growing number ofwe can continue to feed a hungry planet with a bounti-protection associatedmouths to feed in a world experiencing climatic change.ful harvest that is nutritious and with improved eating with seed, contact the SIPA program by visitingRegardless of your personal persuasion, there arequalities (i.e. flavorful craft beers and sweeter and the SIPA website atmore people to feed with limited resources in a settingmilder tasting vegetables enjoyed by kids). When you seedipalliance.com orwhere weather patterns are changing. Water stress isbuy and use new seed from authorized dealers/retail-contacting Eloy Corona ateverywhere and breeders and researchers are tirelesslyers and use it to grow a single crop, you are benefiting eloyc@seedipalliance.com. looking for innovations that will help growers withstandfrom the gooses daily golden egg. Dont take short-the wide swing in weather patterns impacting qualitycuts and kill the goose. The more we value innovations, and yield.the more we will benefit from their improvements.SW54/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBUARY 2021'