b'PARTNER CONTENTFinding Real Solutionsto Real ProblemsPassion and tenacity motivate Kannar Earth Science to develop effective, spot-on solutions for customers seed treatment challengesAthroughout the growing cycle and still be grower can reasonably expect to have 40 growing seasons to create awithin the physical planting limitations of legacy and contribute to the finan- getting seed placed in the soil. cial security of their family and commu- We find ways to bring multiple solu-nity. Only the bravest of the brave, thosetions to the seed. It may take thousands of who are willing to work tirelessly, canattempts over several years until we find achieve their financial goals, says Kannaran answer, but we resonate with the end-Earth Science, Ltd., CEO Sam Cloete. user by finding real solutions to their real With a passion for helping growersproblems.create their financial legacy, Cloete choseA successful solution for Kannar is one seed companies and seed treatments to bethat allows everyone to sleep well at night. Kannars route to value creation. To buildThat can only happen when the answer is growers legacy, Kannar works throughbacked by sound research, thorough data products and technologies backed by dataand extensive testing. It goes beyond just and science related to yield optimizationoffering a relationship and a product in a and environmental stewardship. Kannarkeg or tote. It means Kannar goes on-site, understands that anytime human effortsmultiple times as needed, to observe the produce food, fiber or fuel, productionapplication of chemistries and verify that comes at the expense of something.full-scale production produces the sameOur passion is to minimize theresults as indicated from smaller scale lab environmental impact and maximize theto optimize that space when consideringexperiences. utilization of resources. We bring toolstechnologies that help with crop establish- We try not to be limited by existing and seed-applied technologies to growersment, early-season pathogen protectionbeliefs or others experiences. Tenacity through seed companies. We share mostand yield enhancement. It is challengingand perseverance mean willingness to growers belief that we have a responsibil- because of chemical, physical and biologi- make minor adjustments with the product ity to leave our resources and our growingcal limitations, not to mention the limitsuntil we determine the solution is spot-environment in a more wholesome condi- to the actual amount of chemistry that canon.It means we often compete against tion than how we receive them. We dobe applied to a seed.ourselves; especially when we believe this by never giving up when looking forAnd we work with limitations to seedthat we already have a great product.But simple, effective answers. safety also, Cloete says. We know thatwe pause and ask ourselves, How can we some products, which can be applied fo- make it even better? Ultimately, says Clo-Limited Seed Workspace liar or in-furrow, may not be safely appliedete, our goal is to provide an environment Seed treatments, an effective vehicle foras a seed treatment without reformula- where the seed can more likely achieve delivering crop protection technologies totion. Another limitation is illustrated byits genetic potential and help our growers a growers field, are provided by most seedmicronutrients. We cannot apply enoughcreate their legacy and contribute to the companies. A limitation is the amountmicronutrient material to the seed tofinancial se curity of their family and com-of space on each seed. The challenge issatisfy that crops micronutrient demandmunity.FEBRUARY 2021SEEDWORLD.COM /49'