b'out of the ordinary, he says. Normally,sales should be somewhat similar to the biggest problem domestically is2020, with the potential for being a little the weather in Washington, Idaho andhigher.California, where a lot of the U.S. domes- Mattikow agrees.tic seed production for sweet corn,We have increased our resources onions, carrots, watermelon and moreand capacity, so were fully prepared are grown. If theyre having a dry or hotto accommodate a sustained surge in seasonwhich they had a hot seasondemand, he says. Our year-over-year in 2020that can affect pollination andWe havent seen signs of a seeddemand growth rate has not slowed harvest. since the spring, and we continue to see Internationally, Gale says the biggestshortage, and so far, theres beenincreases across product categories. We problem hanging over the industry is theexpect this demand to continue in 2021. tariffs between the U.S. and China.nothing out of the ordinary.In preparation, Gale says theyve been China is a large producer of cucur-Wayne Gale mailing their catalogues.bits, he says. Quite a few companiesAt one time, I wasnt going to mail grow their supply and multiply theirthe Stokes catalogue out to those March vegetable seed in China. The Trumpnewbies, because I figured they werent administration put in a 25% tariff, whichgoing to come back, he says. However, was disruptive. since we are expecting a strong season Other than that, the threat of Tomatosimilar to 2020, we decided to mail every-Brown Rugose Fruit Virus (ToBRFV) isone our catalogue.another international and domestic threatOther than that, Gales focus is on miti-to peppers and tomatoes.ness versus last year, as people realizedgating the COVID anxieties in staff. The industry is still grappling withhow difficult it is to grow your own food,We want everyone to feel safe ToBRFV, but its a bit better this yearhe says. Its not just something you putcoming to work, he says. Everyone has a due to testing formalization, he says.in the ground and stand back to let itlot of family responsibilities from children ToBRFV did cause some seed shortagesgrowtheres weeding and watering andto older family members living with them in tomato and pepper last year, but I thinkeven fertilizing. Plus, with the summer, ato first responders living with them.thats mostly settled for 2021. lot of people vacation for two weeks, andWhat this means for Stokes is a higher When it comes to delivery, Gale saysyou cant do that with a garden. Animalslevel of security within their environment.he expects vegetable seed deliveries towill have eaten everything, or the weedsSince March, we dont allow visitors be just like normalterrible. would have taken over. in the building, unless its a maintenance Vegetable seed is always terrible asGale thought that as the groceryperson, he says. We all wear masks far as delivery, he says. I know a numberstores went back to normal and had awhen we leave our seats, and weve shut of my purchasing guys have always saidsteady supply of toilet paper, the seedour on-location store down for right now. it seems like a crime against business.sales would steadily go back to normal.But easing the COVID anxieties is defi-We typically dont get as much as 30% ofHowever, something changed hisnitely going to be the biggest challenge our seed on the date we asked foritsthoughts on that. Namely, the COVIDin 2021. always delayed. I see that as being onespikes that have been rising from theAs for marketing, Gale says its busi-of the biggest hassles for 2021, becauseThanksgiving and Christmas holidays.ness as usual.theres no such thing as just in time inven- March was a cakewalk in comparisonWere almost afraid if we do too much tory. Mother Nature does not work toto the second waves were having today,extra, we might get inundated again, he a schedule. She will produce when sheGale says. A lot of the U.S. states andsays. The big worry is not so much seed produces in a quality level that she seemsprovinces are anywhere as much as four,supplyweve got plenty of that. It all to feel is adequate. five, six or even 10 times the infection rategoes back to COVID and our people. We we had back in March. currently have maybe 30 people in our Another 2021 Boom All that to say, Gale anticipates thatwarehouse, and its very safe. You dont If you had asked Gale in September if hethere will be another large bump inwant to start needing to put 60 people, thought there would be another seeddemand in 2021. which wont allow the six-foot clearance boom, his response would have been,I think were going to see that bigand introduces more people into your No way! bump we had last year, and I think itllbubble.Three months ago, I would have toldbe at least a similar demand we saw inNow, Gale says, its just a balancing act you wed probably see a decline in busi- 2020, he says. So, I anticipate that ourand anticipating what 2021 will look like.SW38/ SEEDWORLD.COMFEBRUARY 2021'