b'PARTNER CONTENTDriving Innovation in Seed Coatingsfor a Sustainable FutureINTERVIEW WITH TIM GRATZKE, GENERALperformance gains those technologies MANAGER OF COVESTRO-AMULIX. deliver. With access to this toolbox, we can design seed coatings for a wide vari-TIM, YOU HAVE A STRONG BACKGROUNDety of crop needs. We also have capacity IN MARKETING INNOVATIONS AND SUS- to scale these technologies fast and we TAINABILITY. WHAT MOTIVATED YOU TOoffer global supply chains, which makes JOIN THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR ANDus a reliable partner for both domestic WHAT DO YOU FIND MOST REWARD- and international players in the industry. ING ABOUT YOUR ROLE AT COVESTRO- Finally and very importantly, our team is AMULIX? very enthusiastic about solving our cus-Tim Gratzke: Ive always been passion- tomers challenges and making a positive ate about innovation and sustainability.impact on the seed coatings market.Agriculture sits right at the intersection of the two. The challenge of ensuring a reli- LOOKING AHEAD, WHAT CAN WE EXPECT able global food supply while respectingFROM COVESTRO-AMULIX? HOW DO our planets resources is incredibly moti- Tim Gratzke, General Manager Covestro-Amulix. YOU SEE THE FUTURE OF SEED COATINGS vating. Its fascinating how much know- EVOLVING?how is involved in optimizing plant growthGratzke: Despite the many changes and how much impact seed treatment hasence leader, positions us as a preferredthat affect our sector, the future of seed on it. In private I consider myself a healthinnovation partner. coatings is incredibly promising. Through advocate, so I care a great deal aboutcollaboration, we can tackle todays what ends up on our plates and how it isTHE SEED COATINGS SECTOR IS RAPIDLYchallenges and create a more resil-being produced. Leading Covestro-AmulixEVOLVING, PARTICULARLY DUE TO REGU- ient agricultural system for tomorrow. allows me to bring innovations to the seedLATORY CHANGES. HOW IS COVESTRO- At Covestro-Amulix we are determined sector and drive the shift towards moreAMULIX RESPONDING TO THE CHANGINGto play a crucial role in developing the sustainable agricultural solutions with aMARKETPLACE? solutions that will make a difference. We team thats equally passionate about ourGratzke: The seed coatings sector iscarefully monitor trends and continue to mission. indeed undergoing significant transforma- advance promising solutions through our tion right now. We see every change asinnovation pipeline. Indeed, it is our endur-COVESTRO-AMULIX IS A RELATIVELY NEWan opportunity for improvement. Todaysing mission to offer more innovations to PLAYER IN THE SEED COATINGS MARKET.regulatory environment offers the chancehelp farmers achieve higher yields with CAN YOU TELL US MORE ABOUT THEto move towards more sustainable solu- ever less environmental impact. Were COMPANYS JOURNEY AND WHY IT IStions while safeguarding farmers yieldsalways eager to collaborate with part-WELL-POSITIONED TO MAKE AN IMPACT? and addressing microplastic pollution.ners who share our vision for a sustain-Gratzke: While Covestro-Amulix has aThe cards are being reshuffled now andable future.relatively short history in the seed coat- Covestro-Amulix is at the forefront of this ings market, our team brings a wealthchange. Weve developed a new gener- TIM,ANYFINALTHOUGHTSFOR of experience to the table and weveation of seed coating binders and formu- POTENTIAL PARTNERS OR CUSTOM-already proven ourselves repeatedly inlations that not only delivers outstandingERS CONSIDERING WORKING WITH innovation. Our journey began in 2018seed coating performance, but also com- COVESTRO-AMULIX?when the Covestro-Amulix Joint Ventureplies with the EU Microplastics RestrictionGratzke: Id like to invite anyone who is was founded between Covestro anddeadlines of 2028 and 2031. We continueinterested in high-performance and sus-Dynaplak. We initially pioneered via natu- to future-proof our solutions to make suretainable seed coatings to reach out to us. ral, biodegradable seed coating solutions.they are compatible with biologicals andWe offer not just products, but a partner-Since then, weve expanded our productother emerging market needs. ship built on innovation, expertise, and a portfolio significantly. Today, we offershared commitment to sustainability. Lets sophisticated, high-performance bindersTHE MARKET FOR SEED COATINGS IS WELLwork together to navigate the complexities and coatings that meet the highest expec- ESTABLISHED. WHAT MAKES YOUR OFFER- of a changing industry and drive the trans-tations of our customers and comply withINGS UNIQUE? formation of agriculture towards a more all regulations, including those recentlyGratzke: What sets Covestro-Amulixsustainable future. introduced. Our deep expertise in biode- apart is our expertise in a broad range gradable technologies, as a material sci- of biodegradable technologies and theamulix.covestro.comSEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 49'