b'The workshop participants discussed the central role of seeds in fostering sustainable food systems across Africa. Localisation of seed production can be risky, whereas interna- tional regulatory cooperation, provide technical support for capacity tionally connected seed systems can be more resistant to stress.building initiatives in African countries and promote digitalisation Digitalisation is beneficial to increase the robustness of the seedand explore the possibilities for integration of different digital sys-supply chain, to ensure business continuity in the event of crisis,tems. But there were also other action items such as: better promote and to combat fraud. The OECD Seed Schemes has in factthe OECD Seed Schemes as a certification system that allows cer-already started an important project on the digitalisation of itstification of seed of varieties regardless of their breeding methods certification system. and as such adapted to new plant breeding techniques, review rulesThe integration and harmonisation of the different existing reg- and guidelines related to multiplication abroad agreements, and ulatory systems would be beneficial. encourage the sharing of best practices amongst countries (OECD level playing field, peer review), he explains.THE OECD SEED SCHEMES AS A SUPPORT OF SUSTAINABLE AND RESILIENT FOOD AND SEEDSPECIFIC ACTIONS SUGGESTED FOR AFRICAN SYSTEMSCOUNTRIESGaspar adds that membership in the OECD Seed Schemes canThe workshop allowed delegates to discuss challenges with thought bring many advantages to African countries. It can help them toleaders from all over the world. We were able to zoom in on several improve their national seed sectors in reaching national food secu- action items that were targeted to African countries, says Gaspar. rity goals and a sustainable and resilient food system in line withAfrica is encouraged to develop an African Free Trade Zone, to national strategies. The Seed Schemes can contribute to self-suffi- manage risks to attract private investments in the seed sector, and to ciency of certified seed, boosting yield, [improved] access to qualityensure the protection of varieties (intellectual property). Furthermore, seed and choice of seed for farmers, and [enhanced] access to mar- it would be great if the countries could harmonize varietal registra-kets. But it can also attract investments and boost business, allowtion practices and strengthen the African Unions role in supporting countries to be competitive at the international level, create a leveldialogue between regional seed systems, he adds. playing field, and allow for the participation in the international standard-setting procedure. ACTIONS FOR THE OECD SEED SCHEMESWhile much of the work to support Africas involvement in the OECD Seed Schemes must be undertaken by African countries themselves, there is also opportunity for OECD to adjust its effortsMore information on the OECD Seed Schemes and to better accommodate Africa. Gaspar explains that members ofthe outcomes of the policy the Contribution of Seed to OECD Seed Schemes also looked at the organization itself andSustainable Food Systems in Africa workshop can bediscussed what it could take on as action items.found on the official website of the Schemes:We came to the following list: explore and strengthen coop- https://www.oecd.org/en/topics/seeds.html. eration with other international organisations, strengthen interna-40ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'