b'term gains while monitoring and maintain-ing variation to protect and sustain genetic gain over the long term. Heffner notes that because Corteva is a global player with breeding activities in all major markets, we are able to leverage germplasm glob-ally which provides a continuous source of genetic diversity in local geographies.Limagrain Field Seeds has its own extensive germplasm, and Beaufum reports that new breeding technologies have enabled the firm to develop an enriched and broadened diversity of corn germplasm corn in different regions (temperate, tropical) and colours (white and yellow). (Note: well have more on new breeding technologies in Part 3 of this series). Gene banks and public institutions are also used when available.GERMPLASM IN THE FUTUREFinding sufficient and well-adapted geneticCorn breeding fields. Photo: MAIS Companydiversity to maintain steady genetic pro-gress is crucial for a maize breeding pro-gram. This is because public maize breeding has mostly disappeared, says Camp, and the use of newly released varieties has limited success for hybrid varieties. This is because new hybrid varieties always have heterotic pools mixed, while breeders try to maintain or rather develop the heterotic pools in their inbred line development. DSP addresses the need for genetic diversity by building long-term, trusting cooperation with other breeders, allowing a selective exchange of breeding lines.The European access and benefit shar-ing regulations have posed a challenge to some extent, especially for some corn breeding firms, says Halechko. The exist-ing legal framework has limited the access of breeding companies to previously tradi-tional sources of genetic diversity, which significantly limits the opportunities ofHarvest of experimental silage plots. Photo: Delley semences et plantes SAsmaller companies like Company Mais.Beaufum notes genetic diversity is key to ensuring steady genetic gain. To facilitateTo secure its own new germplasm,to germplasm for its corn breeding work, this, having a worldwide footprint and fos- Syngenta is still testing and commercializ- having developed a key knowledge of ger-tering exchanges between programs is key.ing material from North America in Europemplasm structuration and powerful heterotic As a consequence, allowing for easy mate- and is also involved in the breeding of mate- schemes over time. Bettinger adds, however, rial flow between countries is important. Inrial from exotic environments, mostly forthat a large percentage of their new sources addition, maintaining open access with nothe targeted breeding of specific traits.of genetics incorporate external germplasm.major restriction on germplasm maintainedTo increase genetic diversity, specificBut no matter how much of a chal-by public gene banks is an important topic. breeding programs have been set up inlenge is posed by access to new genetics Halechko explains that the cornEurope with the primary aim of broadeningfor any particular corn breeding company, breeding program at Company Mais isand diversifying the genetic base of a regionHeffner and his colleagues (among many conservative. When developing inbreds,and providing a diverse genetic resource forothers, to be sure) hope for more favourable he and his colleagues use classical self-pol- breeders of elite lines, says Knczl. Theseregulatory policies regarding advances in lination methods. Switching to the use ofso-called Discovery Breeding programsbreeding technology in the future. Policies haploidy in conditions of high labour costspartly produce breeding materials, useshould allow use of new genomic tools to is not economically feasible. Therefore, theexotic genetic material to integrate specificsafely create targeted genetic variation and main source for developing new inbreds aretraits, and pioneer the development andincrease genetic gains against the backdrop lines of our own breeding, lines obtained ontesting of new breeding techniques beforeof increasing change in climate conditions. the basis of contracts and to some extenttheir widespread application. These new tools will be a focus of Part 3 of exPVP lines.For its part, Lidea has enough accessthis series. SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 9'