b'means that the IP of our smart data breed-ing technology is shared exclusively with the CropXR community. We envision that CropXR will con-stantly make progress and evolve. In due time, therefore, we would like to welcome new partners and collaborations to enhance our impact. CropXR feels a responsibility to positively impact the earning capacity of the Dutch breeding industry. In addition, we aim to have societal impact and move towards a more sustainable agricultural eco-system on a global scale. If other partners eventually join, whether it will be large or small enterprises, they should be able to use our IP at some point as well. SWE: CAN YOU TELL A BIT MORE ABOUT THE METHODOLOGY CROPXR USES AND HOW THE CONCEPT OF SMART DATA BREEDING WORKS?HT: In the last approximately 20 years, Hedwich Teunissen, managing director at CropXR. knowledge of the genome of many plants has become available to plant scientists. This has meant a tremendous leap forward. We receive funding from institu- competing markets, such innovations tendIt has enabled plant scientists to make better tions that stipulate that the fundamentalto be protected by IP. Our industrial part- predictions about the response of plants to research that we conduct should be acces- ners make financial investments and takestressors such as diseases and drought. sible to everybody. In addition, CropXRrisks. Consequently, the quid pro quo prin- Today, we can make these kinds of is and will continue to develop practicalciple applies. Hence, the current CropXRpredictions quite accurately when only a tools, technology and innovations in col- partners are in the front seat to use thefew genes and a single stressor are involved. laboration with its industrial partners. Ininnovations that are being developed. ThisHowever, when more than a few genes are 20ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'