b'5.Maize is Eaten in Different7. Maize is More than just FoodCountries in Different Ways. Dont think that all the facts about corn revolve around Mexico uses maize as one of its main ingredients,food. While corn has given us plenty of delicious and it is used for making traditional Mexican dishesmoments filled with favourites such as Corn Flakes, such as tamales,popcorn or tacos, this plant and its kernels are part pozole, quesadillas,of many everyday products, from cosmetics, to glue, tacos, enchiladas,fabric, crayons, fuel, paint, laundry detergent, plastics, tostadas, tortillas,antibiotics and even fireworks!etc. Countries such as Brazil, Romania,8. The Biggest ProducersSerbia all haveAccording to the FAO statistics, in 2022, the U.S. is the different names forlargest maize producer, with 349 million MT, followed by a corn porridge. InChina with 277 million MT and Brazil, with 109 million MT. East Africa, maizeOther countries in the top 10 are Argentina, EU, India, porridge is knownMexico, Ukraine, Indonesia and South Africa. The total as ugali, nshima inworld production of maize stood at 1,163.5 million MT, Malawi and Zambia,which was a 3.5% increase since 2018.sadza in Zimbabwe and in parts of Botswana, phaleche. In South Africa, it is often called pap.6.Popcorn is Made Because of theU.S.349 million MTCorn Kernels Exploding. China277 million MTResearch shows that popcorn kernels should be cooked at 180C (356F) for the best result. And when you heat a popcorn kernel in that heat, the starchBrazil 109 million MTpresent inside the kernel explodes, and a white, fluffy substance pops out. We eat these exploded kernels as popcorn. 9. Maize and food securityMaize plays a key role in food security globally. Together, rice, wheat and corn make up almost two-thirds of the total food energy eaten by the entire world. In developing countries across Africa, Latin America and Asia, maize is a staple food for millions and accounts for 20% of the food calories consumed in parts of Sub-Saharan Africa. 10. Over 200 Applications per YearDid you know that since 1995, 5,960 PBR applications for maize have been filed with the Community Plant Variety Office (CPVO). That is over 205 corn applications per year! All these new corn varieties have been tested for their Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) against reference varieties that are already known. SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 11'