b'Photos: CropXRin this period. Our plan is divided into twomany places around the world and offer highIN CROPS AND RESPONDING TO CLI-phases.nutritional value. The potato in particu- MATE CHANGE, MOST PEOPLE THEN During the first five years, we willlar feeds millions of people. Additionally,MENTION NEW GENOMIC TECHNIQUES conduct our research on Arabidopsis, achrysanthemum is the most important(NGTS). WILL CROPXR BE USING NGTS? so-called model plant that makes it veryornamental plant in the Netherlands.AND IF SO, HOW WILL YOU HANDLE suitable for research. We will concentrateThis diverse selection of crops givesTHE REGULATORY ASPECTS?on gathering experimental data and will useus insights into resilience on many levels.HT: NGTs can be part of researchers tool-the wealth of available Arabidopsis knowl- Some of the crops are cultivated in green- box to gain valuable knowledge on plants. edge. With the help of AI, this data willhouses. These relatively controlled envi- They can enable researchers to test how be transformed into models that will giveronments have their own challenges. Take,genes interact to unravel the complex pro-us insights into the inner workings of thefor instance, chrysanthemum that is bredcesses that are connected to this interplay. involved resilience processes. Think of theand grown in a greenhouse. Thrips, minuteThis knowledge might contribute to neces-links between genotype, metabolic path- slender insects, pose a severe threat to thesesary changes and improvements. We regard way, cells and tissues, and external stress.crops, and can severely harm practicallyNGTs as possible and additional tools that These models allow an efficient translationevery existing crop. How chrysanthemumcould accelerate experimental research in of findings from Arabidopsis to crop spe- can become more resistant to this insect isplant sciences. In addition, they might offer cies. Furthermore, they enable us to betterone of the pivotal questions we will try tobreeders increased velocity when developing understand crop resilience and how this cananswer. Crops that grow in the field, on theresilient varieties. be improved. other hand, face other challenges. ExcessiveHowever, it is important to note that Since we aim to deliver hands-on andrain or drought, for instance, test the resil- CropXR is not dependent on NGTs to concrete results, we will immediately applyience of such crops in a different way.make progress. Moreover, we explicitly do these insights. We have, therefore, recentlyCrops are genetically complex. Thenot engage in political discussions on this added the cauliflower to our selection. Thiscrops we have selected represent this com- matter. We intend to move forward regard-so-called flagship crop will unite all ourplexity. They vary in genome size, theless of the transnational decisions on this partners. We will immediately put thenumber of sets of chromosomes in a celltopic. Our research and results do not rely knowledge we gather to the test to improveor organism (ploidy level) and heteroge- on final political outcomes on this matter.the resilience of the cauliflower. We expectneity or other characteristics. Researching that this overarching project within ourgenetically different crops is, therefore, verySWE: YOU ARE COMBINING PUBLIC consortium will accelerate tangible out- insightful. AND PRIVATE SECTOR RESEARCH, AND comes.By deploying our smart data breedingTHERE ARE LIKELY TO BE SOME VERY In the ensuing five years, we will con- technology to our selected crops, we aim toEXCITING INNOVATIONS COMING OUT vert the fundamental knowledge we havedeliver concrete results. Once our method- OF CROPXR. HOW DO YOU HANDLE gained into practical breeding tools for theology is solid and yields good results, weTHE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) OF six crops you mentioned. Tomato, lettuce,would like to add other crops to our selec- ALL OF THIS?onion, brassica, and potato were selected fortion in the coming years. After ten years, weHT: Firstly, it is good to mention that our various reasons. They are important cropsenvision yet another expansion. Eventually,public and private partners are collaborating for the industrial partners in our consor- it should become possible to apply ourclosely from the start and will continue to tium. Our partners have a lot of knowledgemodels to every possible crop. do so in the upcoming years. All partners of these crops which can be used fruitfully.invest in their own way and gain something In addition, these crops are cultivated inSWE: WHEN WE MENTION RESILIENCEfrom this investment. SEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPEISEED WORLD EUROPE I 19'