b"FORAGE & TURFChoosing the Right Crops for Future ClimatesCHRISTIAN S. JENSEN Head of Corporate Product ManagementDLFcsj@dlf.comdlf.comClimate change is increasingly central to political agendas, mediastanding green and provided feed for hungry cattle. We see the same discussions, and agricultural planning. Once casual conversationseffect when grasses are grown together with alfalfa.about tomorrows weather have shifted to serious concerns about how future climate conditions will affect crop performance. With# 2. SKIN AND ROOTS MATTERthe alarming rise in extreme weather events over the past decade,Decades of selecting grass and legume varieties for drought toler-there is an urgent need for crop varieties that are more resilientance have highlighted the superiority of species like 4Turf perennial to these fluctuations, impacting agricultural yields and economicryegrass and tall fescue. These varieties have demonstrated better stability. drought resilience, with traits like deeper rooting and reduced water Future climate scenarios predict increases in temperature,loss. What we believe is that these grasses have a skin (epidermal drought, and flooding, along with the spread of pathogens andlayer) that lowers breathing under drought. Such discoveries are diseases. The challenge is whether the seed industry can keepcrucial for future crop development. up with these demands. While full preparedness may be chal- About eight years ago we started selecting plants specifically lenging, significant progress has been made in developing cli- for deep rooting; and our findings revealed that several PLUS-mate-resilient crops through both species changes and geneticgrasses (festuloliums) have deep root properties that correlate well improvements. with biomass production under drought conditions. We also dis-Key conclusions from our R&D efforts emphasize: covered that certain Italian ryegrass varieties had deeper root mass than any of the perennials even in the second season. #1. MIXTURES ARE ESSENTIAL It's crucial to amplify and share these findings with the end-us-Mixing different species and varieties provides resilience againsters, so let's proactively communicate what we know. We should weather fluctuations and pathogens. For example, during thecontinue screening for greater stress tolerance and strongly encour-2022 summer drought, multispecies forage mixtures tested by theage European politicians and NGOs to approve the proposal for University of Dublin and DLF outperformed single-species swards.deregulating NGT (new genome technologies). This will equip our While most forage swards were completely wilted the mixturestalented researchers and breeders with the tools they need to lead combining grasses with red clover, plantain, and chicory were stillin the race for climate adaptation.CORN, SORGHUM & OILSEEDSLideas New Strategy for Innovation, Brand Coherence, and Farmers NeedsSANDRINE FLAUJAC External Communications LeaderLideaSandrine.flaujac@lidea-seeds.comlidea-seeds.comIn an ever-evolving seed industry, Lidea has launched a bold andfarmers essential needs right from the start of the crop cycle. For cohesive brand strategy centered around three umbrella brands:market players, Lidea Boost signifies innovation and technical mas-Lidea Master, Lidea Boost, and Lidea Sustain. This reflects a deeptery, key elements for optimizing yields and minimizing risks in the understanding of farmers specific requirements and Lideas com- early stages of plant growth.mitment to providing expert, professional solutions.LIDEA SUSTAIN: SUPPORTING THE LIDEA MASTER: ENSURING GENETIC EXCELLENCE AGROECOLOGICAL TRANSITIONLidea Master represents the pinnacle of plant genetic research andLidea Sustain reflects Lideas commitment to the agroecologi-innovation. In an industry where seed quality is paramount, thiscal transition, a major challenge for the future of agriculture. By brand encompasses all of Lideas most advanced genetic solutions.bringing together all sustainability-focused solutions under a single This approach structures the product offerings to align with farm- brand, we provide a response to the growing demand for environ-ers' expectations and ensures clear identification of products thatmentally friendly farming practices. This strategy positions us as a meet the highest standards of performance and adaptation to localleader in the agroecology segment and a symbol of the companys conditions. This brand is synonymous with expertise and reliability,commitment to sustainable agriculture, while also enhancing its qualities essential for staying competitive in a demanding market. credibility and professionalism among market stakeholders.With these three, Lidea is strategically organizing its offerings LIDEA BOOST: SECURING EARLY CROPto address the seed industrys challenges in a coherent and targeted DEVELOPMENT manner. This strategy clarifies and enhances Lideas expertise while Lidea Boost represents excellence in technical solutions designed tooffering a straightforward and precise understanding of its offerings protect early crop development. In a context where seedbed prepara- to various market players.tion and young plant protection are crucial for successful harvests,By choosing to organize its offering around these three brands, Lidea Boost brings together a range of advanced technologies, fromLidea reaffirms its commitment to its customers while strengthen-seed treatment to precision seeding. This umbrella brand allowsing its ability to build lasting partnerships and contribute to the Lidea to structure its offering by highlighting solutions that addresstransformation of the sector.32ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE"