b'VOLUME 11, ISSUE 3124 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX United Kingdom CONTRIBUTORSFranco Brazzabeni, Siuzana Grygorenko, Treena Hein, Niels Louwaars, PUBLISHER Gabor Polgar, Joe Schwarcz, Joerg Thomaler, David ZarukShawn Brooksbrook@seedworldgroup.com ADVISORY BOARDEDITORIAL DIRECTOR - SEED WORLD EUROPERachel Blumel, UFS Marcel Bruinsmbruins@seedworldgroup.com Alberto Lipparini, AssosementiDIRECTOR OF CONTENT Mikls Fazekas, Alfaseed Madeleine Baergmbaerg@seedworldgroup.com Nigel Moore, KWS Antonio Villaroel, ANOVE MANAGING EDITOR Suzanne Barratt, BASF Michelle Clarkemclarke@seedworldgroup.com Martin van der Voort, Bejo Zaden Chris Green, Green ResourcesSTAFF WRITERSErika Maugeri, Euroseeds Elena Mansur, Aimee Nielson, Marc Zienkiewicz Stig Oddershede, DLF Adrian Giordani, BayerDIGITAL MARKETING SPECIALISTRebecca Carmeli-Peslakrcarmelipeslak@seedworldgroup.comseedworld.com/europeADVERTISING SALESinstagram.com/seedworldeu/Craig Armstrongcarmstrong@seedworldgroup.com facebook.com/SeedWorldEU/ Mario Fasquellemfasquelle@seedworldgroup.com twitter.com/SeedWorldEUDean Frenchdfrench@seedworldgroup.com linkedin.com/company/seedworld-europe/youtube.com/c/seedworldgroupDIRECTOR OF GROWTHTheresa Ramsoomairtramsoomair@seedworldgroup.com SUBSCRIPTIONSSeed World Europe is published four times a year. EuropeanMARKETINGsubscription rates are: one year 30. International: one year 75.Charlene McIvorcmcivor@seedworldgroup.com To subscribe please email subscribe@seedworldgroup.com. CREATIVE Kyle Dratowanykdratowany@seedworldgroup.com Lesley Nakonechnylnakonechny@seedworldgroup.com Please recycle where facilities exist. CLIENT SERVICESNo part of this magazine may be reproduced withoutEwa Jzefowicz Amadorejozefowiczamador@seedworldgroup.com the written permission of the publisher.Lindsay Hoffmanlhoffman@seedworldgroup.com Printed in DenmarkCIRCULATION Dean Frenchdfrench@seedworldgroup.comAmulixNaturally powerful seed coatings.Our newly launched product line of high-performing, biodegradable binders and formulations empowers the creation of future-proof seed coatings with minimal environmental impact and maximum crop yield. Making every seed and every harvest count. Welcome to Amulix. Are you ready to make the shift?2ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'