b'ON THE VERGE OF A NEW ERA IN PLANT SCIENCEHOW A UNIQUE PUBLIC-PRIVATE CONSORTIUM IS TRYING TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.BY: MARCEL BRUINSSEEDWORLDEUROPE(SWE):such as flooding, drought, or salinization. WHY IT MATTERS HEDWICH, CAN YOU EXPLAIN IN ATo unravel the building blocks of resilience, Started in 2023, CropXR consistsNUTSHELL WHAT YOUR ORGANIZA- we need to examine it from a systems biol-of, among others, four DutchTION IS DOING? ogy perspective. Deploying such a holis-knowledge institutions (UtrechtHEDWICH TEUNISSEN (HT): CropXRtic and interdisciplinary approach means University, Wageningen Universityaims to accelerate much-needed changesstudying the interconnected functioning and Research, the University ofin agriculture. In todays world, we faceof the entire plant. Computational and Amsterdam and Delft University ofenormous challenges such as climatemathematical analyses are used for this. By Technology) and the Dutch seedchange and reduced food security. Climategathering diverse data sets and deploying association Plantum. It is a uniquechange affects agriculture in many ways,advanced technologies such as artificial public-private consortium that, apartparticularly via weather extremes. In theintelligence, the CropXR team will develop from the universities, comprisesNetherlands, for instance, we have expe- mechanistic models. With these models, we scientific institutions, industrialrienced an exceptionally wet season. Anaim to define and predict resilience traits. partners and technology innovationimportant crop such as the potato suffersThis is the innovative smart data breeding companies. Uniting experts fromfrom all the rain. Likewise, these weatherapproach that we envision. Eventually, a multitude of disciplines suchconditions have marred the recent spinachbreeders worldwide should be able to tap as plant sciences, data sciencesyield. Farmers are struggling to overcomeinto this knowledge and use it to their ben-and the social sciences, it aims tothis kind of damage.efit. We hope to contribute to reshaping make agricultural production lessTo withstand such environmentalagriculture and have a positive impact on vulnerable to climate change andchallenges, crops should be more resilient.the global food chain.less dependent on artificial fertilizersCropXR is on a mission to make crops more and chemical pesticides, therebyresilient, climate-adapted and sustainable.SWE: YOU HAVE PICKED A NUMBER also creating growth opportunitiesNew crop varieties should become lessOF CROPS TO START WITH BRASSICAS, for relevant economic sectors in thedependent on fertilizers and pesticides.LETTUCE, ONION, POTATO, TOMATO, Netherlands. Seed World EuropeIn addition, they should be better capableAND CHRYSANTHEMUM. IS YOUR spoke with Hedwich Teunissen,of dealing with weather extremes, yet theRESEARCH LIMITED TO THOSE CROPS Managing Director at CropXR.quality of the produce and the yield shouldOR WILL OTHER CROPS BE ADDED IN remain high.THE FUTURE?This is not an easy task as plant resil- HT: For now, we have chosen a limited ience is genetically complex. Many genesnumber of crops. This is connected to our interact when a plant experiences stressors10-year plan and the feasibility of our work 18ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'