b"EQUIVALENCE OF UKRAINIAN SEEDSTHE COUNTRY IS GAINING EQUIVALENCE OF SEEDS FOR OIL CROPS, SUGAR BEETS AND SOYBEANS. BY: SIUZANA GRYGORENKOU kraine has been a powerful con- Ukrainian Ministry of Agrarian Policy and tributor to the global and Europeanthe Seed Association of Ukraine for many agricultural market for several dec- years to share information and advocate for ades. Beyond the sheer volume of agricul- the interests of the Ukrainian agricultural tural products critical to the regions foodsector. According to them, Ukrainian seeds security, the quality of Ukrainian cropsmeet all the standards and are undoubtedly and seeds is also noteworthy. Recently, theof European quality. Also, Ukraine met all European Parliament acknowledged this bythe required conditions and successfully officially recognizing that Ukrainian seedspassed the audit five years ago. Therefore, meet the high standards set by the EU. Inthey called this long-awaited resolution of October 2020 the resolution was passedthe European Parliament of 2020 as estab-confirming the equivalence of Ukrainianlishing justice for Ukraine.oat, barley, rice, rye, wheat, triticale, corn,With 27 EU state members and over and sorghum seeds with EU requirements. 700 deputies in the European Parliament, Today, Ukraine, together with part- it takes a lot of time to adopt a resolution. ners, keeps working on gaining equiva- Each resolution must go through multi-lence of seeds for oil crops, sugar beets andple stages, including committee reviews, soybeans. amendments, and debates, to ensure all This process is significant for severalperspectives are considered. Additionally,Siuzana Grygorenko, executive director of the reasons: it validates the quality and safetythe need for consensus and legal scrutinySeed Association of the Ukraine.of Ukrainian seeds to meet EU standards,often adds further delays. enhances the competitiveness of UkrainianSome countries view the equivalency ofmarket where quality is everything. In addi-agricultural products in the EuropeanUkrainian seeds as a threat and thus set uption, many Ukrainian seeds are produced market, and reinforces Ukraine's alignmentbarriers to a positive decision. MEPs fromby European companies at Ukraine-based with European regulatory frameworks. Thesome European countries are not too eagerplants and are targeted specifically for the benefits of this recognition are substantialto recognize the equivalence of UkrainianEuropean market. So, they are up to the for both parties. Ukraine gains broaderseeds. These officials argue that this is tohigh demands of European buyers.access to the EU market, boosting its seedprotect the interests of local farmers, whob)False belief in the poor quality exports and economy. At the same time,are claiming the risks to their businesses.of Ukrainian grain is immediately fol-the EU benefits from a diversified supply ofAnyway, they can't veto the decision, yetlowed by fear of so-called unpredictabil-seeds, increased food security, and potentialthey can push back the approval. ity. Allegedly, once Ukraine is allowed to cost reductions.sell its seeds in Europe, the supply from Referring to the decision on the equiv- STEREOTYPES AND CONCERNSUkraine might increase so dramatically alence of oil crops, sugar beets and soy- ABOUT UKRAINIAN SEEDSthat it could push out local farmers, who bean seeds, it is to note that the EuropeanLast year, the European Parliament and thetypically run smaller farms and cant com-Parliament has already drafted and pub- public started discussions on the equivalencepete with lower prices. These worries often lished this document in which Ukraine andof Ukrainian seeds for oil crops, sugar beetscome from poor awareness or ignorance of Moldova are both included in the joint file.and soybeans. Ukraine is not a stranger tothe topic. It's true that in the late spring of Thus, a final vote is expected in the shortthe EU market, having established itself as2022, the European Commission removed run. Two neighbouring countries unite theira reliable seed exporter over the past dec- trade limits and duties on agricultural prod-efforts to strengthen the position of bothades, in particular through the recognitionucts from Ukraine. But the so-called visa-and increase the chances of a quick andof its cereal and corn seeds. Thanks to thisfree trade for grain and corn exports was positive decision. background, the initial stages of the men- for commodities, not for seeds. Meanwhile, tioned discussion went smoothly. However,seeds have always required certification, INTERNATIONAL COOPERATIONthere are still significant concerns that arephytosanitary inspections and contracts, and AND CHALLENGES more accurately called stereotypes towardsit's a time-consuming procedure. Therefore, Throughout this long but important jour- Ukrainian agricultural products, the mostUkraine simply cannot technically increase ney, Ukraine is backed by its partners.common are as follows:its seed production volumes and flood the France and French companies are particu- a)Typical criticism of UkrainianEuropean market. And again, European larly keen to support Ukraine in the ongo- agricultural products from Europeans iscompanies with plants in Ukraine will be ing proceedings. Big friends of Ukrainetheir low quality. But this is just a veryleading the way in supplying seeds due to from different European organizationscommon myth. In fact, Ukrainian seedsexisting certifications and trade channels and associations, like Euroseeds, to nameoften meet or even surpass Europeanwith the EU. To ease European concerns one, have been working closely with thestandards, as Ukraine competes in a toughabout Ukrainian seeds, these companies 46ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE"