b'FUN FACTS on CORNMAIZE OR CORN IS A POPULAR INGREDIENT IN MEALS ALL AROUND THE WORLD. A MOVIE-WATCHING EXPERIENCE IS NEVER COMPLETE WITHOUT POPCORN. IT IS A FIELD CROP THAT HAS BECOME A STAPLE FOOD IN MANY PARTS OF THE WORLD AND IS ALSO USED FOR ANIMAL FEED. NOT ONLY THAT, BUT YOU CAN ALSO USE IT AS A BIOFUEL. MAIZE HAS MANY USES AND EXCITING FACTS THAT YOU MIGHT NOT BE AWARE OF! HERE ARE SOME FUN FACTS ON THIS A-MAIZE-ING CROP!COMPILED BY MARCEL BRUINS1. The OriginMaize was grown for the first time in Mexico more than 9,000 years ago, where it was domesticated by the local people. They selectively cultivated a wild grass called teosinte and this selection and domestication process led to the modern-day crop called maize or corn.2. Maize or Corn?Originally, the new crop discovered in the Americas became known to European explorers as maize, based on the word mahiz which Indigenous people used to refer to the big green stalks they were cultivating. In Europe, the crop was referred to as the Indian corn, until eventually it became shortened to just corn. These days, both maize and corn are used in different parts of the globe.3. Maize Comes in Many Different ColoursColour is one of the most fun facts about maize.4.Maize Stalks can be MuchAlthough were used to the golden yellow corn thatTaller than Humans. gives our breakfast Corn Flakes the irresistible colour,A typical corn plant can be anywhere from 1,5mtr the full range of shades corn comes in is enough toto 3,5 metres tall, with the average corn around 2,5 create a rainbow: red, blue, purple, black, brown,metres. The current Guinness Book of World Records pink and so many others. One of the most amazingfor tallest maize stalk falls on agricultural scientist varieties is called Calico or Glass Gem corn and itJason Karl, who grew a stalk of 14.69 metres tall in the looks like a multi-coloured gem with kernels that areU.S. in 2021. He did so by combining alleles involved red, blue, yellow, brown and many other colours.in plant height and broke his own record from 2017.10ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE'