b"itary and quality standards. Moreover, Ukrainian suppliers are reliable partners who fully execute their commitments under the contract, despite force majeure circum-stances such as intense war.RISK DIVERSIFICATION AND POSITIVE COMPETITIONTo summarize the topic, it is fair to say about the prospects for both sides of the partnershipthe EU and Ukraine.The arrival of high-quality Ukrainian seeds on the European market creates posi-tive competition, which will only bring ben-efits to consumers and the region's economy. Moreover, it ensures diversification of risks in this large market. After all, the number of local seed producers is quite limited, soUkrainian seeds often meet or even surpass European standards, as Ukraine competes in a tough market in case of a bad harvest, the entire regionwhere quality is everything. Photo: MAIS Companyrisks facing a shortage of seeds for the next season. state budget. commitment not to compete with European It is profitable for European companiesThe need to produce more high-qualitycompanies, but to be equal partners in the to place production facilities in Ukraine: theseeds will be an accelerator for the devel- development of the agricultural sector and cost of resources is lower, and highly qual- opment of the seed industry in Ukraine, asensuring food security in the region.ified specialists are much more available. well as contribute to the creation of a full Ukraine will significantly expandagricultural production cycle. EditorsNote:SiuzanaGrygorenkois the market for seed exports, which willUkrainian officials and experts ofExecutive Director of the Seed Association of become a solid source of funding for theindustry associations reconfirm again theirthe Ukraine.48ISEED WORLD EUROPEISEEDWORLD.COM/EUROPE"