b'GIANT VIEWSOUR SEED GOVERNANCE MODEL NEEDS REPAIRCANADA IS KNOWNfor its vast agricultural landscapes andIn early 2023, CFIA commissioned advancements in farming practices with a seed certificationJRG Consulting Group to examine system we describe as a model to emulate. But there is delusionseed systems in six countries to gain a in how we describe our seed system, and I am losing faith thatcomprehensive understanding of how our Seed Regulatory Modernization (SRM) process will addressthose systems operate and to assess their a fundamental issue.effectiveness.Lying beneath the surface of our seemingly robust seedOne of the undeniable findings from framework is a broken governance structure in dire need ofthis benchmarking study was that while repair.each system has unique features, in most By Roy Van Wyk,Over the past few years, seed industry stakeholders along- cases the seed value chain is responsible Client and Intellectual Property Servicesside producer groups have worked with the Canadian Foodfor coordinating their seed system.Director, SeedsInspection Agency (CFIA) to review and discuss issues withFrom his interview with John Canada our current Seeds Regulations and our seed standards. MostGroenewegen from JRG Consulting of the work we have done has been an exercise in updating andGroup, Marc Zienkiewicz reported in his maintenance.Seed World Canada article in August of The discussions about how we can modernize our seed2023 that, This collaborative approach, system, such as our conversations regarding the use ofwhere industry bodies identify changes Incorporation by Reference as a tool to help make our regula- and drive consensus, empowers the seed tory system more responsive, have been few. systems to adapt quickly while main-But in all our discussions, the SRM Working Group andtaining compliance with international the CFIA have not contemplated and resolved a path forwardstandards.to repair the antiquated, inequitable governance structure ofNo surprise. Groenewegens findings our current system. Since the CFIA did not share this majorare consistent with my years of experience shortcoming with the task teams before the work of the taskdelivering compliance services in multiple teams started, the task teams have made several uninformedcertification schemes. At the apex of any recommendations.such scheme is a governance body respon-We recently saw this issue manifested in the Winter 2024sible for overall strategic direction, policy CFIA stakeholder consultation survey.formulation and decision-making. This The model for governance for our current seed systemgovernance body encompasses representa-was established about 120 years ago when Parliament passedtives from all key stakeholders. the Seed Control Act of 1905, and around that same time,To modernize Canadas seed system government delegated the responsibility of setting our seedand correct the inequity in the outdated crop production standards to the Canadian Seed Growersgovernance model, I can easily envision Association (CSGA). This was an incredible part of our historya responsible body, at the apex of our and orchestrated by a visionary group of seed growers, scien- seed system, made up of Canadas seed tists, and government officials. industry stakeholders, industry asso-But that was an appropriate solution for a time in ourciations, audit/inspection/certification history when the only stakeholders in the seed industry werebodies, producer groups, relevant experts, farmers who were producing and selling seed. With 120 yearsand government representatives with of evolution, consider the diversity of the stakeholders in ourthe mandate to advise government on seed industry today: seed labs and seed analysts, registered seedstrategic direction and policy formation, establishments and their personnel, seed growers, plant breed- and make recommendations on changes ers, seed brokers, seed distributors, seed retailers, seed-appliedto standards and regulations.technology companies, seed equipment companies, ASCIS andThis in essence is the concept for the crop inspectors, producers, and producer groups. Inclusive Seed Standards Body (ISSB), Despite the multitude of stakeholders involved, our currentand why we see it as an important con-governance model includes only one additional stakeholdercept for the future of our seed and grain group beyond the original framework established over a centuryindustries. ago.40 SEEDWORLD.COM/CANADAJULY 2024'